Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kraken Coalition

A coalition of like minded people, the Kraken Coalition is made up of pirates that are out to make a profit.

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The Kraken Coalition seeks to take advantage of the chaos in the galaxy. As major players focus more and more on each other, they leave their flanks wide open, a perfect opening for any self respecting pirate. We shall take advantage of the chaos and live like kings!

The Kraken Coalition is a loose coalition of Pirate Captains and their Ships based out of the Space Station Tortuga. They have come together under the ideas of democracy and freedom. Each Captain and crew gets equal share of all raids they participate in and there are no taxes. In addition Tortuga extends a tax free trade port for those who know someone to get them in the door.

The Kraken Coalition lives by a simple Pirate Code.


Pirate Code
1. Every Captain with a ship and a crew has a seat on the Pirate Council
2. The Council of Captains IS the authority of the coalition.
3. Breaking the will of the democratically voted customs and codes of this council will get offending crews expelled and hunted. All their assets also become fair game for the plundering
4. Never attack another pirate in the coalition unless they are expelled
5. Captains will keep their crews in good order and be responsible for the transgressions of their crew
6. Parley being a means to communicate will immediately cease all hostilities and must be honored. Breaking Parley is expulsion
7. Pirates caught stealing from crewmates will have a hand cut off
8. Pirates caught murdering other pirates will be sentenced to death
9. Trial by combat is any Pirates right for any offense. 1 v 1 no force allowed
10. Pirates shall not fire upon a vessel or persons who have surrendered

11. Betrayal or revealing information to the enemy will be met with expulsion, death and all assets fair game to plunder
coalition pirate

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