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Guardians of the Gate

We are the Watchers on the Wall.

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Winter's Wall, one of Midvinter's greatest peaks turned into a mountain fortress, acts as the base of operations.

Storm clouds gather. Something twisted and terrible stirs in the easternmost fringes of the galaxy. Dark legends spoken in hushed warnings around hearths on bitterly cold nights are coming to life. A demonic, relentless horde of endless proportions is unleashed upon the galaxy, seeking to bathe entire worlds in bloody sacrifice to their dark masters.
It was said it took the very Gods to vanquish the demons untold millennia ago. But they no longer walk among us.
Who, then, can we turn to?

Welcome to the Wall, Watchers!

You have volunteered to partake in the desperate struggle against an overwhelming enemy prophesied in ancient myths of the Valkyri of Midvinter. They are called Jotnar, an extra-galactic race native to a sliver of the Netherworld known as the Crucible, a twisted inversion of Midvinter. They share a connection via the planet's Force Nexus, acting as a tether between the two realms. Thousands of years ago, the Jotunn launched the first Blood War on the Valkyri and, though the myths tell of how the All-Father descended to wipe them out alongside the rest of the pantheon, it required a united front of ordinary men and women to drive them out one costly battle after another.

Now, a second Blood War is upon us.

Thurion Heavenshield sits on the throne with a troubled brow as clues and hints foretell a great evil approaching. A cult calling itself the Primordial Order has been revealed, having infiltrated the higher echelons of society, military, and government for centuries. It is believed they are seeking to usher in this new age of bloodshed to curry favour with the looming Blood Host, having attempted to sacrifice the High King's daughter at one point, but their motives remain a mystery.

The Jotnar are beasts built for war, massacre, and slaughter. Through their dark deeds, they are rewarded with mutations of the mind and body, turning them into feral demons of supernatural strength and speed. A select few are even ascended to Greater Demons, allowing them to retain their sentience even as they grow into behemoths on the battlefield. Through slaughter and butchery, they summon enormous Blood Gates sending them forth onto the next battlefield, ready for further reaping.

With his eyes towards the future, the Lion calls out for champions from across the galaxy, regardless of former allegiances or deeds. Jedi or Sith, Light or Dark, it matters little when faced with all the horrors of the Abyss. Together they will form a bulwark against the impending tide, putting aside their pasts to serve and sacrifice for the good of the galaxy. This isn't about empires or religious dogma, this is about survival. The continued existence of Life itself.

They are the first and last line of defence.
They are the Watchers on the Wall.
They are the Guardians of the Gate.

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