... said the spider to the fly


The galaxy watched with horror as Csilla burned.
Now, the titans of the Galactic South have awakened.
They come seeking vengeance for the Brotherhood's crimes.

Come and see, say the great Heathen Priests,
Come and see what our gods have done, what dark miracles.
What we have unleashed here is a preview of the galaxy's fate.

The old cycle is ending.
Old traditions will fade.
Old orders will fall.
In blood and ash will all be made new.
Let the past die.
Kill it if you have to.

If you will join the heroes braving the Maw's domain...
If you dare to enter the Nihil Retreat...
Do not expect to return unchanged.

The Brotherhood awaits.
Fight for or against the Maw.
SJC Invasion of Lao-mon
CIS Invasion of Rhand