Originally, I was very hesitant to come to this site knowing that I would very likely leave the one I had been writing at behind... and at least for the time being I have. Now I loved the cast of characters over there but something was always missing... freedom. I always had to ask to do a certain storyline and nothing major ever happened. My friends from there had made the jump and invited me to this site knowing I would have fun writing here.

So when I finally came to the site there was something that always bothered me about the name 'Zephyrus Cloud,' sure it defined the character I was but it was just such a name a 12 year old would come up with (which was about the age when it was created). It was too simple but I didn't want to ditch the character entirely... So I changed it to Xephirus Cloud... and simply Xephirus. It looked sharper, it captured sci-fi to me and while it did all that it still needed explanation at least to myself.

So all my buddies that jumped ship to here came up with various ways to bring their characters across hundreds of years. Most chose a form of stasis and while that is all fine and good, I challenged myself to come up with a creative way to bring my character across time and space that hadn't been used. So I sat and thought long and hard about it and decided, shoot what if I don't bring Zephyrus across but merely his consciousness. Now transfer essence is a difficult task to accomplish and I hadn't ever trained in it... but what I did have was a history in the void with the killik.

The Kind had taken Zephyrus before and he managed (with some help) to break free of the hive mind. They almost hurt someone he loved. While Zephyrus Cloud may not ever be the strongest, fastest or most in tune with the force... the one thing that puts him above others is his strength of will. So the Killik became his enemy and they were hungry for the battery that was Zephyrus. They eventually caught up with him and he was absorbed back into the Hive mind.

The hive grew more aggressive as a result and the consciousness of Zephyrus went into hibernation.... until he broke free hundreds of years later.

Or so he thought....

He woke up... forgot plenty of his lives as he lived millions or at least the Hive did. He cut several of them down for imprisoning him gaining more control with each swing... again, or so he thought...



This isn't Zephyrus Cloud.

Tune in for issue 2 for more information.....