Hi there! This will be the first of hopefully many notices that will be coming from the factory team. Even though everybody is still getting settled we wanted to give a glimpse as to what we as a team have been discussing in response to suggestions from the community as well as our own internal understanding of what has and has not been working. Please keep in mind that anything contained here is not guaranteed until it is posted as an announcement. These are preliminary discussions that are being considered.
That being said, here's what we've been working on:

I realize that some of this may sound a bit cryptic by the titles so I will give a brief list.
  • Proposal for a change to restricted materials, making them more accessible yet balanced.
  • Proposal to better balance and moderate squadron counts.
  • Provide incremental updates going forward rather than massive sweeping changes.
  • Proposal to better balance and judge starship features and systems.
  • Proposal to redraw the ranged weapon template
  • Proposal to highlight a member for a month based on an outstanding submission.