//||...Greetings, I am Lord
Agyaluss, Keeper of the Tash-Taral Sith Holoscrolls. My masters, the Dark Sovereigns of the Warlords have commanded in me to compile an exhaustive record of the Warlords and their campaigns. Such a monumental task will require a great deal of my time and resources, few as they may be. But, I will complete this Tome of the Lords as I am want and commanded to do so. My first task is collecting, recording, and studying the very core of the Warlords gathered here in Tash-Taral...The Dark Sovereigns of our crusading horde. Namley, those of Darth Voyance, Kascalion Giedfield and Vora Kaar. I begin this daunting task with the architect of the Warlords...and indeed the great Sith Schism which has rent the order into pieces, a figure I and few less understand. Darth Voyance...The Dark Saint of the Sith....||

||Little is known about the prior life of the Dark Saint. Who she was, her ley name, and what brought her to the Order of the Sith. From her sermons in the Dark Praxeum, she has revealed tantalizing details, however. To my surprise, she was open in revealing that she was once a Spice Slave. A Dancer in the Spice Bazaars of Ventooine. Since that time her powers of prophecy and visions had manifested without her
knowledge that the Dark Side had delivered it to her. The lecherous patrons of the Bazaar gave her the moniker of "the Oracle of Ventooine". It is at this time her powers began to grow, as Voyance would once say, "She embraced the divine call of the Dark...a warmth she knew that come to save her." Save her it did, as one of her spice induced visions contacted a greater power...the Former Emperor of the Sith Empire...
Carnifex. Ripped from the bazaars she was taken under his wing.||...But, her tutelage under the Emperor would be brief. She discovered that for all their power the Sith Empire did not hold the supreme mandate of the Dark Side...she had learned this when the ghost of Tulak Hord trained her in secret and turned her against the Empire's Inquisitors who were exploring his tomb, much to his rage. The conflict sent Voyance into exile. She would leave as a Renegade Knight and in the Unknown Regions discover a revelation that would transform her...into The Dark Saint of the Sith.||
||What she discovered there is unknown, and well guarded...even from the other Dark Sovereigns. She has only referred to its influence as "the Elder". What she learned from who or what this "Elder" is, came with her back to the Sith Empire. At a grand meeting of the Sith Empire's Council Voyance would deliver her infamous "There Are No Sith Here" sermon...denouncing the Imperial-Sith as stagnate and stunted and having profaned the Sith Code for distracting and gifted status. She declared that: "Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. The Sith Empire, is that, an Empire. Empires demand servile, stagnating, and unfulfilled obedience. Clouding the Sith with superfluous distractions, such as titles, hedonistic charms of imperial nobility, and inane mundanities of politics. Enforcing an inert status quo. An artificial Peace. Peace is an anathema to the way of the Sith...YOU ALL ARE ANATHEMA. Imperial Sith know only illusionary peace, passionless servitude, servile strength and artificial power. They are not free, they are not baptized in the Darkside and moulded by the Sith Code. They are servants. And will amount to nothing more than servants. Imperial SLAVES, that, is what Imperial Sith are. Sith are free. And yet, all I see are loud lapdogs barking at their Master for scraps of blood. You serve a dynasty, not the Sith. There are no Sith here.|| ...This moment would usher in the Sith Schism, for before the New Imperial Order's rebellion, there was the feud between the Imperial-Sith Loyalists and the Keepers of the Sith Code, a new form of Sith that venerate the Sith Code over an Emperor or Dark Lord...only interested in trails of strength and war...led by a Dark Saint, maddened by the fire of Unholy War...
I will elaborate more in my next report.||\\