[background=[size=6]Vhe'viin Squad Eukgar'gam[/size]
[background=[size=4]Image Source: [background=rgb(26,26,26)]http://voidlive.com/hk-designs-star-wars-inspired-body-armor-and-we-want-it/[/size]
[background=[size=4]Intent: To provide Vhe'viin Squad with Eukgar'gam[/size]
[background=[size=5]PRODUCTION INFORMATION[/size]
[background=[size=4]Development Thread: [/size]
- As Needed
Model: Not Applicable
Affiliation: Mandalorians
Modularity: Yes[/size]
- Any weapon, system, or armor plate configuration can be changed to fit the wearer's desires.
- All aesthetics are Modular.
[background=[size=4]Material: Mandalorian Steel, Duraplast, Armorweave, Electronics[/size]
[background=[size=5]TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS[/size]
[background=[size=4]Classification: Mulitpurpose
Weight: 12 Kilograms
Quality: [/size]
- Plates: 9
- Armorweave: 7
- Minor Lightsaber Resistance (Plates are as resistant as a Tree is to an Axe, Armorweave can survive a glancing blow)
- Minor Stealth (Scanner Proof when Idle)
- EMP/Ion Resistant Helmet
- Power Armor Liner, Thermal Gel
- Temperature Regulator, Climate Control
- Hermetically Sealed, Sealing Foam
- Power Pack
- Digital Life Support System
- Sensor/Camouflage Coating
- Military Grade HUD, Internal Overlay Display
- Audio/Visual Recorder
- Polarized Anti-Flash Lenses, Electrobinoculars (X20), Range Finder
- Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition System, Multi-Spectral Target Assessor
- Sonic Dampeners, Annunciator
- Broadband Antenna, HoloNet Access, ComLink
- Combat, Pineal Eye, Visual, Motion, Thermal, Audio Sensors
- Infrared, Echolocation, Radar, X-Ray, Life Form Scanners
- Environmental Filter, Rebreather, Oxygen Filtration System, Nutrient/Water Dispenser, Oxygen Tank (30 Minute Supply)
- Copper Faraday Cage
- Jump Pack
- Modular Pistol Mount (1) Subbed Separately or Pulled From Cannon (Similar to THIS) -or-
- Laser Designator
- Dual Rocket Dart Launchers (2)
- Grav-Boots
- Magno-Grip Soles
- Retractable Combat Blade (X1)
- Grenade Hooks (6)
- Ammunition Pouches (4)
- Ion Flares (3)
- Grappling Hook Launchers (2), High Tension Wire
- Combat De-Ionizer, Blast Energy Sinks
- Energy Rations, Canteen, Medpacs (2)
- Anti-Security Blade, EMP Disruptor Stylus, Field Disruptor Overloader
[background=[size=4]Euk'gar or Mandalorian Steel was created on the concept of using mundane materials and processing it in the same way that beskar is normally smelted, forged, and tempered. While not as durable as Beskar, it is lighter, much more durable that durasteel and duranium. In response to the discovery of the new metal the Forgemasters set about crafting the armors from the new material. It holds a cultural significance over the use of durasteel and bland factory produced armors, being crafted by Beskarsmiths and their apprentices for the clans. Each clan has their own configuration and process to producing the metal into Eukgar'gam, or Little Iron Skin, for their warriors.[/size]
[background=[size=4]The basic Eukgar'gam is intended to be incredibly modular, designed to be adaptable and adjustable for each warriors desires, using their choice of weapons and equipment options, even altering the configuration or amount of plates and the coverage of the plates. The Euk'gar plates are crafted in folded layers, alternating the direction of the grain of the metal for each fold. The plates are segmented, scalloped, and articulated to allow for freedom of movement for the warrior wearing the armor. Each plate is coated in a thin rubber to prevent it from making noise as they move. There are layered over an duraplast threaded armorweave bodysuit or jumpsuit, that uses eukgar threads on the chest to provide additional protection to the warriors vital organs.[/size]
[background=[size=4]Each suit contains a number systems, offering them a level of adaptability. Each suit is hermetically sealed containing a small hour long oxygen supply, a thermal regulator to allow the warrior to remain comfortable in desert or arctic temperatures. It has limitations on its abilities, unable to protect against fire and cryoban weapons, but can stave off minor burns or frost bite and allow the warrior to survive in the vacuum of space for a limited time. Other than the inside of joints, the armor contains a layer of thermal gel to add resistance to blaster weapons, in addition to the power armor liner protecting the torso and waist, reducing the kinetic force of blasts. While it may not keep the warrior conscious the intention is to reduce fatalities. It has a camoflage coating, capable of adjusting its colors to match its surroundings, like from forest to desert or solid Mandalorian colors and symbols. Additionally, so long as the warrior is not in combat, flight, or using systems that put out energy signatures or signals, it provides a form of sensor negation, making it difficult for them to be picked up on sensor scans.[/size]
[background=[size=4]The boots of the armor may be used as either grav boots, assisting in flight maneuvering while within a planet's gravity well, or allowing the warrior to hover slightly above the ground on its on. The soles of the boots are magno-grip, allowing the wearer to lock themselves onto metallic surfaces, which can be incredibly useful in the right situation. The gauntlets contain a pair of modular weapon slots that can be easily exchanged between combats and it can either be equipped with crushgaunts or a retractable vibroblade from the the knuckleplate. The armor has an attachment on the back plate for a jump pack, an armored ysalamiri nutrient harness, an equipment back pack such as sensor equipment, demolitions gear and the like. Additionally, the armor can be combined with a shielding system similar to the Hyperion Combat Armors. It projects a small ray shield over the chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms that can survive one or two lightsaber strikes. It should be noted this cannot be combined with any other energy shield.[/size]
[background=[size=4]Finally the helmet is fairly standard, very similar to the Arbiter Combat Helmet or Hyperion Combat Helmet, with a sensor range of about one hundred meters. The visor is photoabsorbant allowing solar energy that hits the visor to recharge the internal batteries, allowing the helmet to be used almost indefinitely without having to replace the battery. The Helmet has a copper faraday cage to protect the delicate internal systems it houses. The aesthetics of the helmet are easily changed and altered to the wearer's desires.[/size]
[background=[size=4]The armor contains a power supply that weighs three kilograms and provides the suit with a plethora of power for its systems, roughly equal to thirty power cells. The armor has places for shoulder mounted flash lights and helmet mounted lights for dark environments. Finally the armor has a tactical combat harness with a variety of tools and equipment options, as well as pouches and holsters for weapons.[/size]
[background=[color=rgb(255,140,0)]REFERENCES [/color]Note: Copied and modified from: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/79433-guide-how-to-armor/