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- Name: Vidhvansaka
- Designation: Sentient
- Homeworld: Oberon
- Language: Bhase
- Average height of adults: 2.5m
- Skin color: Ashen gray, tan, black, and dark blue.
- Hair color: N/A
- Breathes: Type 1
- Strengths: Extemely diplomatic - The Vidhvansakans have extremely diplomatic ways of thinking that immediately go for the most peaceful option available.
- Weaknesses: [2 minimum]
- Distinctions: [Unique physical traits that define what they are]
- Average Lifespan: [In standard years]
- Races: [Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races)]
- Diet: [List common foods, what is poisonous]
- Communication: [List common communication medium]
- Culture: [Describe general culture]
- Technology level: [Describe societal technology level]
- General behavior: [Describe general behaviors]
- History: [Describe an abridged history]
- Notable Player-Characters: [List player-characters]
- Intent: [Describe the plan for this species. NOTE: This section alone can have your species dismissed. Species created on a whim or for purposes to undermine the integrity of Star Wars will not be approved.]