[color=rgb(255,140,0)]Name: [/color]Saeva Incorporated Mercenary Army
[color=rgb(255,140,0)]Intent: [/color]To Document the Saeva Incorporated Mercenary Army
[color=rgb(255,140,0)]Affiliation:[/color] Saeva Incorporated
[color=rgb(255,140,0)]Availability: [/color]Common
[color=rgb(255,140,0)]Quality: [/color]B
[color=rgb(255,140,0)]Type: [/color]General Army
[color=rgb(255,140,0)]Strength: [/color]60,000
[color=rgb(255,140,0)]Description: [/color]
Saeva Incorporated as an entity has now existed for nearly two years. Within that time Saeva has grown in size, stature, and of course capability.[/size]

Saeva Incorporated began as a small mercenary outfit of only three hundred and fifty former [url="http://starwarsrp.net/topic/50435-the-sons-of-titan/"]Sons of Titan[/url], specially trained soldiers and combatants who had been specifically conditioned to serve as the primary military arm of the now defunct Titan Industries. Upon the supposed death of Alric Kuhn, CEO and head of Titan Industries at the time the Sons became incredibly disillusioned with Titan Industries itself, and under a specifically given command by their leader, Kiran Vess, most of the Sons underwent mental conditioning in order to break the mental bond that tied the Sons to Titan Industries. Of the one thousands Sons of Titan, only a fraction made it to their freedom.

A piece of this fraction eventually joined Kiran Vess in the Founding of Saeva Incorporated.[/size]

These soldiers formed a tight-knit, well trained, and incredibly niche Private Military Corporation. Over time, each of the soldiers began to recruit more and more people to the company, eventually bringing in over a thousand soldiers. As Saeva Incorporated began to expand, seeing more use throughout the galaxy and becoming reputable as one of the more vicious Private Military Companies it's military capabilities began to expand almost exponentially. Partnering with several Corporate Entities Saeva began to produce armors, vehicles, and weapons specifically designed for it's elite soldiers. As more equipment came pouring in and more jobs were had Saeva expanded even further.[/size]

Eventually this expansion drove Saeva to hold a recruitment drive, and eventually all of the Original Sons of Titan, save for Kiran Vess, ceased field operations and instead became recruiters for Saeva Incorporated. These three hundred and fifty elite troopers became scouts for the ever expanding Saeva Mercenary Army. The former Sons would visit different military outfits, watching, observing, then approaching soldiers they thought worthy of joining Saeva Incorporated. This selection process ensured that each member of Saeva Incorporated was not only already well trained, but experienced in the arts of war and combat.[/size]

When a mercenary joined Saeva Incorporated they received a healthy pay stipend as well as access to additional equipment and the freedom to do as they wished until called upon. This system of freedom allowed Saeva Incorporated to maintain a large force without ever allowing their military assets to become stagnant.
Eventually this growth and expansion reached an apex, with the size of Saeva's Mercenary Army reaching nearly sixty thousand in strength. These sixty thousand troopers all had varying functions and specializations, with many key assets of Saeva Incorporated falling into units within the army itself. This sectioning of it's military force allows Saeva to be a bit more flexible than other Private Military Company, giving it the option of splitting it's jobs depending on what is currently demanded of the corporation.[/size]

Of course Saeva's military has grown so expansive that nearly all forms of combat operations are supported by the army itself, including the utilization of fleets as well as special and covert operations.[/size]


SG-WD-01 ‘The Incapacitator’ - Heavy Stun Rifle
AI-Wrist Blaster - Wrist Mounted Blaster and Paddle Beam
Titan Tomahawk - Phrik Tomahawk
TS-1 Rifle - Re-purposed Verpine Sniper Rifle
SI-17 Stealth Blaster - Fires Completely Silent & Invisible Bolts
SI-74 Anti-Tank Rifle - Heavy Anti-Armor Sniper Rifle
VT-Needle Disruptor - A powerful disruptor that pierces all forms of armor including Phrik, Beskar, and Vonduun Crab Armor
OBL-0 Scout Drone - Scouting Droid
OBL-1 Attack Drone - Small Offensive Droid
OBL-2 Defense Drone - Small Shield Generator Droid
OBL-3 Hunter Drone - Large Offensive Droid
OBL-4 Sniper Drone - Long Range Offensive Droid


Saeva Incorporated Armor - Standard Issue Armor
Asheran Armorweave - Customizable Heavy Armorweave
SI-HD Armor - Holographic Disguise Armor
VT-Kinetic Impact Gel - Highly kinetic Resistant Underarmor
VT-Shark Skin - Highly Flexible Asheran Armorweave
HUD-G - Sunglasses With HUD
Grutch-Nul - Anti-FU Thrown Weapon
Saeva Directed Charge - Anti-Personnel Armor Blast Charge
Energy Bola - Stunning Thrown Weapon
VT-Grav Glove - Repulse Glove that Mimics Force Push/Pull
VT-Observation Satellite - A reconnaissance satellite launched from any ship to be used by ground troops
Hyperspace Drop Pod - Single Person Infiltration Pod
VT-Momentum[background=rgb(30,30,30)] - Unarmed Interceptor
VT-Starhawk - A Well Armed Diplomatic Vessel
VT-Varactyl - Fast, highly modular, Escort Freighter
VT-Nephilim Class Corvette - A Heavily Armed Bounty Hunting Vessel
Colossus-Class Carrier - Deep Space Carrier
VT-Slith Class Frigate - Heavily Armed Fast Response Frigate
VT-Hellion Class Missile Cruiser - Heavily Armed Long Range Missile Cruiser