Personal Collection of Dagora-Kel
Over the span of many years, Dagora-Kel has come into the possession of a wide variety of datacrons, holocrons, and other such valuables. At times, these may be used as bartering chips, whilst at others these may be used to instruct and train. In the interest of keeping things...relatively organized, this listing will be kept up to date as a reflection of the "goodies" Dagora has in his ownership.
As of present, all items have been meticulously copied and electronically uploaded in order to alleviate the risk of a repeated "Grand Heist." The locations of said backups are currently the Arakyd Industries database, the Akure Executive Interstellar Database, and the iBorg Cortical Node implanted directly in Dagora's skull.
(Special thanks to the Heist Crew & Zhol for permitting/enabling backups of the pilfered lore.)

Scrolls & Literature
"Aura of Uneasiness" Scroll
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click] [Click]
  • Contains the technique for the Sith Spell: Aura of Uneasiness. Must be one of the 3% of Sith with the natural gift for Sith Magic. A good introductory spell for a Master/Knight who is new to Sith Magic.
"Knotters of Entrails" Scroll
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click] [Click]
  • Contains an advanced technique for creating Sithspawn.
"Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut" Scroll
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click] [Click]
  • Sith Spell for reanimating the undead. Master Sorcerer required.
Collected Works of Samuro
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains commentary on the life and death of Jedi Knight Samuro from the perspective of Mace Windu. Also contains the Words of Banishment.
Datacron of Lord XoXaan
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click] [Click]
  • Improves abilities in both Biological and Materials Alchemy, proportional to the character's expertise in Alchemy.
Tascollan Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click] [Click]
  • Contains basic instruction in the first six forms of lightsaber combat, in addition to Jar'Kai and Sokan.
Datacron of Force Drain and the Droch Connection
  • Wikia: [Click] [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click] [Click]
  • Contains a compendium of recorded sessions revolving around the usage of the original Holocron. These sessions provide advanced teaching in Force Drain. (Basic knowledge is required). Further research into these sessions may reveal other possibilities involving Nam Chorios.
"Disciples of Twilight" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains a collection of works revolving around the Disciples' prowess with their ancient techniques. It also houses basic instruction in the art of Force Cloak (Light Bending)
"Fallanassi" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains a collection of information regarding the Fallanassi and their White Current. It also houses basic instruction in the first step of White Current.
"Chu'unthor" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains records and details on what the crew of the Chu'unthor learned whilst on Dathomir. Also includes data tapes, ship logs, and general schematics/information of the Chu'unthor itself. Furthermore, knowledge of basic, Dathomirian spells is also included.
Datacron of Galactic Lore
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains an in-depth exploration of Force-sensitive objects seen throughout Galactic history, ancient cults, and also the full collected works of Tionne.
Datacron of the Jel Shay
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains an analysis and tutorial on the construction of Jal Shey armor, armaments, and equipment; in addition to commentary on the philosophies of this organization.
The Great Holocron Series: "Advanced Lightsaber Construction" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains personal instruction from Jedi Master Kit Fisto in the construction of lightsabers that are waterproof; in addition to a tutorial on how to construct a saber lacking dimetris circuits. (Waterproofing & Cortosis-proofing a lightsaber)
The Great Holocron Series: "Lightsaber Forms and Combat" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains personal commentary on Vaapad by Mace Windu, in addition to collaborative, basic instruction on the seven forms of lightsaber combat by Count Dooku and Jedi Master Cin Drallig. (Basic instruction in the Seven Forms of lightsaber combat.)
The Great Holocron Series: "Dark Side Commentary" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains commentary by Jedi Master Toralis Shim on the Four Stages of the Dark Side; in addition to a recounting by Vima Sunrider on Ulic Qel-Droma's Redemption.
The Great Holocron Series: "Light Side Capabilities" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains personal commentary by Plo Koon on Electric Judgment, in addition to vague information on Force Light. (Basic instruction in Electric Judgment and Force Light; Master prerequisite.)
The Great Holocron Series: "The Powers of the Force" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains a personal commentary from Jedi Grandmaster Yoda on the apex abilities of Force Sense: Farsight and Shatterpoint. (Basic instruction in Farsight and Shatterpoint; Master prerequisite.)
The Great Holocron Series: "Compendium of Galactic History" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains a full accounting of the reports and historical events recorded within the Great Holocron, spanning several thousand years.
The Great Holocron Series: "Philosophies of the Jedi and Sith" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains a lengthy commentary on the Jedi's limited understanding on various Sith philosophies, such as the Sith Code, Rule of One, and Rule of Two. Also contains a lengthy commentary on the various tenets and interpretations of the Jedi Code.
"Tactus Otium" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains basic instruction in the art of Tactus Otium.
"Basic Training Courses" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click] [Click] [Click] [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains four of the most common forms of basic Force training: Eyes of the Force, Push-Feather, Skorch, Heji Tal. Excellent for the education of younglings or those new to the Force.
"Malacia" Datacron
  • Wikia: [Click]
  • Obtained: [Click]
  • Contains basic instruction in the art of Malacia.