A traitor amongst her pack...

A stain on the legacy and banner she carried forth...

The North never forgets...
Three weeks had passed since a sizeable portion of her pack was slaughtered at the Hljóðleva Encampment, and Astrid wasn't fairing any better than those who survived. She had suffered wounds herself especially after she returned. Some of her pack thought it would be wise to unseat her, and take the mantle of Alpha and put Astrid into a more, subservient role. Despite the injuries from battle, she didn't shy away and accepted the challengers - one by one, one after another. She didn't kill them, as she could have - no, she would maim them and make them remember their mistake. One would have a chunk taken from his hind quarter, another would lose an eye and the third would suffer broken bones. And despite their ill-timed challenge, she remained compassionate and caring - ensuring they were nurtured back to health in order to keep the pack strong. The wounds on her arm were freshly bandaged, and a bandage remained overlapping her left eye.

She stared out into the vast terrain that was covered in a white sheen that was from a fresh round of snow storms. Icy cold wisps of wind pushed her hair back, and caused her cloak to flap effortlessly behind her. She just continued to stare, a sapphire orb gazing through the distance - wondering.

"THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!" A voice cried out, sounding distressed and strained. "I demand to speak to Hefðarkona Ylva!!" He continued to shout as he was dragged physically across the ruins of the old den which was destroyed by off-worlders who attempted to dominate and take members of their collective pack to sell on the Black Market. This place was to serve as a reminder, for the Clan to never forget what off-worlders have done to them. It would be a place of reflection and serve also as a place to remind those who betray the pack...that they too must suffer.

Stig said nothing as he approached his younger sister, and roughly shoved them man forward despite his yammering about speaking to Astrid. The man would stumble and catch himself, looking back at Stig with a glare before turning to come face to face with Astrid. He gasped and took a step back, bumping into Stig as he moved forward to ensure he didn't shy away from the Alpha. The wind seemed to die down as she spoke, the gentle howl fading into the distance as she turned calmly away from the Lupo and gazed into the distance once more.

"You are not of my pack..." She said icily.

"Hefðarkona, my Alpha..." He stammered, attempting to step forward only to be pulled back by Stig.

She chuckled softly as he spoke, his words falling on deaf ears as she continued. "You betrayed your own kind, and for what?" She turned sharply to face him. "Credits? A hot meal...?!"

"No, No, I only meant to help...!" He yelped as she closed the distance, a single orb of blue piercing the very core of his being, a flash of golden yellow appeared beneath her bandage as she leaned in. "YOU ONLY MEANT TO HELP!?" She raised her voice as she slammed her hand into his chest, punching him with a bit of Force added to it. He would grunt and stumble backwards harshly, Stig moving to the left and out of the path of what was about to occur. Astrid didn't hold back, how could she? There were no doubt prying eyes to see the execution of the traitor and ensure that Astrid wasn't soft or weak.

She lept forward, and continued her onslaught with various punches and tosses. She would grab his tattered clothing and yank him around, utilizing his momentum to hurl him into the broken throne. With a thunderous crack and a spray of light debris - the man went through the throne, groaning loudly as he rolled to a stop behind the dais, at the edge of the room. The wind began to howl as Astrid approached, platinum colored hair flowing elegantly behind her. An odd sight given the circumstances, the clothing on her body would begin to expand and shred as she snarled viciously, approaching him slowly and methodically. Her very core was burning, a beast within begging to be released. She crouched and began to crawl on all fours as her body began the painful transformation. Flesh would expand, muscles would bulge and bulk as she howled into the air. Her beautiful visage would shift, going from beauty....to beast. Massive pads would strike the cold durasteel floor, scattering snowflakes into the air as she moved towards the Lupo who remained untransformed.

Astrid was already tall in her human form, just over six feet, and despite it being on the smaller end of the Lupo scale - she towered over ten feet in size and stature, which was still on the smaller end of things. With thunderous stomps, she crept towards him, snarling lowly. <”Transform, coward…”> Her eyes shimmered golden amber against the white backdrop of her fur as it stood raised on her neck. Saliva drooled from her mouth as she continued to think of what this spineless Lupo took part in and how delicious it would be to savagely rip him apart. The man didn’t transform, didn’t change, instead - like the coward he was, cried out as she lunged.

The sound of cries mixed in with yelps and howling before silence…

Callista emerged from behind the broken throne, blood splattering against the floor as it fell from her mouth. A trail of crimson red ichor behind her in the shape of her footprints, she approached Stig and took the robe in which he offered to her. Fingers clenching around the fabric as she tossed it over her naked form, being engulfed in the massive fur coat. She looked to Stig again, raising an eyebrow as she wiped away the blood from her mouth. “Leave his body for the crows….” She walked past her brother as he simply shook his head and followed her out the door, exiting the ruins with her.