This was not how Kara thought her life would go. If you had told her a couple years ago, she would’ve laughed and called you insane. She grew up in an orphanage, like any other child whose parents had been lost to an accident, to war, to whatever else took a child’s parents away. Young Kara had been a bit of a rascal, a mischief maker. But she always strived to learn when something caught her interest.

And then she grew barely old enough to leave, and the galaxy became that interest. Exploring, learning, simply living from moment to moment, from planet to planet. No one place was ever called home, not until she found herself on Denon.

Well, not that she ever truly considered that planet home. A place so steeped in scum and villainy that it made Nar Shaddaa seem tame. But it was where she had met a like minded group, teenager misfits on the verge of adulthood.

A recipe for disaster for sure, and yet Kara wouldn’t dare ever take back those years. No matter how many mistakes and dumb decisions that were made. For a time they were her family, until like everything else before it…she eventually left. Once again moving about the galaxy on her own, exploring and learning.

Right up until that fateful encounter, just one drunken dumbass who picked the wrong night to approach Kara. Got thrown across an entire nightclub without a single finger being laid upon him.

How do you go through twenty years of life, and not know you’re a freaking Force user?

Somehow Kara had drawn that short straw, and it was only the beginning of the craziness. From becoming a Jedi, to walking into an Imperial mining operation; being almost buried alive, and then dealing with the ultimate consequence of a one-night stand.

Kara looked down at the bundle in her arms, her expression softening as she watched her newborn child quietly sleeping. It wasn’t the first time she had been awakened tonight, nor would it probably be the last for a while longer. Valery had prepared her, given as much information as possible. Though no amount of it could’ve prepared Kara for the physical, mental and emotional toll it took on her. But nor could she let it…

She was alone in this after all.

Well that wasn’t entirely true. She had a swath of people she could call friends. Valery, Iris, Silas, Jand, Jasper, Aveline, Briana, to name a few. All of them had visited her, whether it was at Coruscant General or at her apartment. Amani had been another frequent face, even though Kara barely knew her outside of her role as Chief Healer. But she supposed that was the leading reason why she wanted to check up on her. She had even received a message from Kai, who had sent his congratulations. Apparently he had learned of the news, and well, it wasn’t exactly easy to visit someone currently doing a stint in Azrael. Amongst those that showed up, a few others that had joined them.

Vera had tagged along with her mother to see the newborn. And even Corin had made an appearance, no doubt Iris being the one responsible for dragging his brooding arse off Denon.

But…Kara was still alone where it truly mattered.

Unlike Valery who had Kahlil at her side, Kara didn’t have Aiden. Though that was no fault of his own, he didn’t know the child existed, or that she had been pregnant. Kara had tried to track him down, but there was only so much time before the pregnancy put a halt to that.

And yet every time her child’s eyes opened, she was reminded of him. She-

Kara shook her head, throwing those thoughts away as quickly as they had arrived. No, this was no place for negative thoughts. Her only regret she had was the actions that had led up to this. The bundle in her arms, her child, her son was a blessing.

She smiled, gently rocking him on her arms as he slumbered. Kara whispered the very same words she had spoken upon first holding her son.

Welcome to the galaxy, Cassius Jade.