
The holoradio played on the ship's speakers. Ever quiet, but ever loud in her mind. Rocking a newborn in a rocking chair, Gwyneira Krayt stared into the distance with doom in her cybernetic eyes. The usual scenery of her ship's lounge was not a comfort. She could feel the destruction coming in the galaxy. She could see the Tauntaun being destroyed by Sith bombers. She could see all she loved being taken away once again. She could see it, but would she believe it? Did she dare ask the dreaded question...

How long until the Sith reach Kestri?

Tears flooded her eyes. She held her sleeping child just a little bit closer.

Should I stay? Fight for the Enclave and Mandalor? Should I go? Take my family to safety and wait it out? If the Enclave falls, what about my family? Kranak? Eliz?

She blinked, looking down at the blonde child who was napping soundly, Elise?

The very night that the entire galaxy attacked Exegol, Gwyneira had given birth to a healthy baby girl. Eliz had been there for it all, and he was still here on Kestri. Gwyn leaned her head against her daughter's as she contemplated it all.

I need to ask Eliz. He'll know what to do.

She frowned. Eliz... Oh, Eliz. She felt horrible for him. He had lost Csilla, Mandalor, and now Kestri seemed to be next. Could he cope with all of this? A new father? She was doing everything she could to be strong around him, to support him. But she could only do so much, being a new mother herself.

Her first reaction would have been to jump in and fight. To protect her people, her civilians, and her fellow vode. But she had only just given birth to a daughter. A daughter she loved very much. She was in no position physically to get back out there herself, still having all these confusing and painful changes in her body from newfound motherhood.

She knew that the Karjr were struggling. They must be, to keep losing like this. Was Kestri next? Was the Enclave at its end? What was the future now? How long would this endless cycle of war, death, and rebirth take place in this galaxy of chaos? But where would her family go? What would her veteran buir Kranak Vizsla do now? How long would she still find connection to her former Alor, Shai Maji , if the Enclave dissolved? What about her brother Vulcan Krayt ? And what would she and Eliz Krayt do now? Where would they raise Elise?

Gwyn shuddered. Holding her daughter tightly and rocking in her chair, she listened to the holoradio broadcast the Fall outside...