Before I begin on the main topic...

I've been... addressed (I guess we shall use that term.) for my alleged dislike of the Force outside of push/pull/lightning, and it has been concluded through this assumption that I must hate Star Wars because of this.
First off, I play two Forcie characters (and used to play a third), one of whom happens to have powers that do not fit within the push/pull/lightning spectrum. So there goes that.
Secondly, the premise here is that the Force is vital to Star Wars (and I agree). However, so are space battles. And starfighting. And smuggling. And Stormtroopers. And walkers. And politics. (Need I go on?) So by this logic, if you don't particularly like any of those--which many don't--then you must hate Star Wars as well. Makes a whole lot of sense, doesn't it?

So what we learn from this is apparently that playing with the Force is relevant; playing with starships is irrelevant. I'm glad we've finally made it clear that we're going to alienate people for wanting to play differently (but legitimately within the confines of Star Wars!) but actually matter. What if I said, "The Force is lame. We shouldn't have battles with Jedi matter because only space battles are important"?

Stop telling me that superpowered Force people must be sanctioned (On the grounds that all these Force powers are canon in the EU. Oh, and time travel is also in the EU, by the way. Look it up.) but that standard-powered starships are unimportant and I should just go somewhere else if I want to play Star Wars characters who use them.

There. Now that that is hopefully over with, I'll talk about what I intended to talk about.

I love space. I love technology and imagination. I guess that's why I was drawn to the Star Wars universe in the first place, when I was about 6 years old. I wanted to become a pilot and take the space shuttle up to the ISS, as close as I could get to a Star Wars experience. There is so much creativity in just the history behind space travel, and I see creativity in everything about the Star Wars movies.

I started writing on this board over a year ago because I have never fallen out of love with Star Wars. I've had several favorite characters. (Started out with Luke as my favorite, then Zam Wesell, Wedge Antilles, Kit Fisto, Grievous...) What unifies them all is not the Force, but the fact that they live and die in a story that is about traveling in space and meeting people on huge adventures and, in the end, warring with other people on huge adventures. There has never been a series about people in another galaxy--the largest sandbox for a completely new story you could have--until Star Wars. And I love everything about the six movies and what they inspire.

So what I wanted to write about on this board was space. I write a few smugglers, pilots, starfighters, a stowaway Jedi-in-training, and a fleeter and a half. There is so much adventure for a spacefaring character in Star Wars. You can go anywhere for any reason you want--even just for feeling like it. And now I guess I've gotten a bit of a combat itch since it's not really available for my kind of characters. I've been a big proponent for space combat and trying to improve it/actually make it exist on the board.

And I've got a few questions about things on this board that, honestly, don't make too much sense if we really believe we're writing Star Wars.

Why are space battles less legitimate than ground battles?
In a universe that is about conquering multiple worlds--which inevitably involves flying on spaceships to the world that is intended to be conquered and have guns for shooting things on the ground and each other--starship battles are every bit as important as ground battles. In fact, the two most important battles in Star Wars were fought in space.

Why are players who enjoy space battles over ground battles considered less legitimate?
I don't have the answer.
Actually, I do... But, yeah...

How is a ground battle more 'character developing' than a space battle?
A character can experience love, loss, life, death, challenge, superiority, etc., no matter the environment. Imagine a space battle RP that ended with the character stuck in an escape pod, alone? That sounds really awesome for character development.

Why is a battlecruiser firing proton beams worse for the RP than a Jedi or Sith using 'Force storm'?
Let's see how this makes sense.
  • A battlecruiser is built by hundreds or thousands of droids and people over the course of months or years, and operated by hundreds or thousands more. All those people work together to create and man a huge technological object to carry and operate a giant laser that can be destroyed.
  • One (1) person works for a few years under the training of one (1) other person and is able to open up a giant wormhole that can tear up massive ships (previously described) by themselves.
The disparity here is hilarious.

Why are faction/factory/dev rules so strict for starships on the board if they are irrelevant to invasions?
The answer is in the question.

Why does fleeting have to be a numbers game and not just a game?
For the few people who aren't all against space battles, this seems to be the greatest deterrent. Sure, a fleet size should be set beforehand. But just go with it from there, have some fun, and blow some ships up. With the exception of flagships, you can always handwave another one for the next battle, just like ground fighters handwave their elite battalions that mindlessly follow them, only to be slaughtered. Lose some ships. It'll be fun!

Why is a sci-fi space opera board devoid of space battles?
I don't know. But that, my friends, is an atrocity.