
Once more, the Galaxy was thrown into a state of war. It wasn't the first conflict of this nature, nor would it be the last. Even the current battlegrounds weren't unfamiliar — the Brotherhood of the Maw had made it deep into the core before it was pushed back and defeated as well. Now, Empress Teta had been lost to the enemy again, and Tython had fallen alongside it.

Both were unacceptable losses.

The enemy now stands at the gates of what had once been the heart of the Alliance. Coruscant was no planet an army could crush without struggle, but the mere fact that the enemy would reach its surface should anger or frustrate any Jedi, soldier or citizen of the Alliance.

Valery felt much the same.

Leaning back into her seat, Valery opened up her recording and began to speak, <Everything is ready for our defense of Coruscant. Much like Tython during the Second Great Hyperspace War, it must be our turning point. The battle to change the tide, and drive the enemy back before its inevitable destruction. But whether or not we stop the enemy there, we're not waiting for their next move.>

<Tython will be liberated, and Empress Teta, Prakith and every other world that was lost will be restored. I once swore an oath to lead this Order to defeat the Brotherhood of the Maw, and now I will help lead it to victory again. But to do so, we must all stand together>
Valery paused for a moment, her eyes focused on the large windows of the Coruscant Council Chambers. Ships of all sizes, largely military, were casting shadows onto the surface.

It was almost time.

<I've been made aware of a new group of more extreme Jedi who have set their sights on the liberation of Tython. I hope this purpose and their methods won't drive them down a darker path like many crusaders have in the past. But above all, I hope we stand together when we make our move and fight the enemy off of the planet. Inosuke Ashina, I'm open to a meeting if you're willing to talk.> Whether he or any of those joining him would, she wasn't going to sit still nearly as much as they assumed.

She was ready to take the fight to the enemy.