While going about my day yesterday, I realized that one of my critical childhood games had no Star Wars analog. This deserved a correction, so here is my version of Pig Latin for Star Wars, named Porg Galactic:

Words starting with consonants move the starting letter/sound to the end and append -esh
Words starting with vowels stay as they are, but -enth is appended to the end (regional varieties may use -jenth or -senth instead, all are acceptable)

"Orfesh instance-enth, isthesh entencesesh ookslesh a-enth itbesh angestresh atenth irstfesh, utbesh itsenth eallyresh eryvesh implesesh!"

That's all there's to it. Go forth and speak in perfectly intelligible gibberish!

Concepts borrowed from Pig Latin and Aurebesh resources.