



"This is Holly Starstorm reporting live from Coruscant. Today we bring you an update on Ord Mantell, now in the hands of the Dark Empire."

The screen flashed to images of the planet, showing a before and after phooto.

"Ord Mantell has been transformed from a planetary scrapheap and wasteland to a paradise planet ripe for tourism. Aggressive terraforming efforts were put into play after the planet's conquest by its new ruler, perennial Sith Lord and corporate titan Vanessa Vantai, transforming the boneyards of dead starships, smog, and acid lakes into viable land filled with crops, factory space, tourist attractions, and gambling of all types. Infrastructure development worth trillions of credits throughout the Bright Jewel system has resulted in quadrillions of credits yet gained through exports of foodstuffs, power cells, alloys and minerals, and even more exotic goods in question. "

The camera flashed back to Holly and over her shoulder an image of Vanessa Vantai displayed.

"When interviewed Vantai expressed concern that the world had not been restored before falling into the Dark Empires control. This raises questions in the minds of many citizens in the galaxy as they wonder which factions treat planets the best. HNN will continue to monitor this story and the developments that take place. Stay tuned!"