
Endless darkness.

A gulf greater than that which existed between the stars, rushing up to meet him. He could not perceive time, he could not perceive anything other than the darkness that swallowed him. He fell deeper and deeper, never reaching the bottom of what appeared to be an endless abyss.

There were no colors, no sound, nothing to give him any reference.

He could not move, his arms and legs would not obey him. He could not feel, the numbing sensation of loss had replaced all that he had known. It was like he was suspended in jelly, unable to move but still somewhat perceptive of his environment.

Except that environment was darkness.

Only darkness.

He seemed consigned to the fate that had been given to him, perhaps he had died on Ossus and this was the hell his Father spoke of.

Then, suddenly, a bright light.

He drew in a shuddering breath as feeling rapidly returned, his eyes unfocused as he attempted to flail wildly but found that each of his limbs had been restrained. Where there was once darkness now there was only pain, agony rippling across his body as the thin manipulators of surgical droids dug around in his body. He could hear the beeping of the electrocardiogram, the only concrete indication that he was still alive and this wasn't some torturous hell. He could hear voices but he couldn't make out what they were saying, his hearing was muffled as though he were underwater.

He screamed, but no sound left him. He could only writhe there in agony, pressed down by the weight of the shackles that restrained him as several droids opened his body and went to work. But through the pain, through the terror that seized him by the throat, he thought he could hear a voice drifting through the cacophony.

"The experiment went well, Master."

"Prepare him for the next."

All he could do was sob.