This isn't a list of the many examples of planets where the Force practitioners are religious figures, or a list of groups of Force-sensitives. This is a list of religions, typically multi-species religions and also the occasional cult, whose Force-sensitive members can acquire rare characteristic skills. A Force practitioner who joins or spends time with one of these religions may be able to pick up these skills and even make them signature abilities, core to their personal skillset.

TyiaLightScattered throughout galaxyForce meld circle; Control abilities stronger/easier; Alter abilities harder/more time-consuming
Brotherhood of the Ninth DoorDarkJedha, scattered, rareIllusion disguise
Chalactan AdeptsLightChalactaInvulnerability to mental manipulation
Invulnerability to torture
Vianism, including several monastic ordersLight/UnalignedThroughout the Kanz Sector (e.g. Bimmiel, Lorrd)Ability to sense others' needs
PhirmismUnalignedScattered throughout galaxyAbility to pull water from the air
Cult of the Central IsopterDarkScattered, rareAbility to sense when a planet has a strong likelihood of devastation or destruction
Knell of MuspilliDarkScattered, rareSummoning from Beyond Shadows
Skakoan religionUnalignedSkakoAbility to visit the Gates of Grontessiant
Presagers of HatokeiDarkScattered, rareProphecy through blood sacrifice