Basic Information
NAME: Mira Orantis
FACTION:[background= Independent[/size]
RANK:[background= N/A[/size]
SPECIES:[background= Human[/size]
AGE:[background= 26[/size]
SEX:[background= Female[/size]
HEIGHT:[background= [/size][background=163 cm / 1.63 m (5 Feet 4 1/4 Inches)[/size]
WEIGHT:[background= [/size][background=53kg (117 lbs)[/size]
EYES:[background= Brown[/size]
HAIR:[background= Black[/size]
SKIN:[background= Fair[/size]
FORCE SENSITIVE:[background= No[/size]
Additional Physical Description
Complexion: Dark hair, fair skin.
Piercings: Three facial piercings, sceptum, right nose piercing, Eyebrow.
Tattoos: Tattoo of a Krayt Dragon on left rear shoulder.
Piercings: Three facial piercings, sceptum, right nose piercing, Eyebrow.
Tattoos: Tattoo of a Krayt Dragon on left rear shoulder.
Mira Orantis was a crew member on a small merchant freighter, the "Debutante". While delivering goods to Avalonia, Mira was involved in a fistfight at a local cantina and had been imprisoned by the local security forces. Held in jail for about a week before being released, her crew left without her. She now is a day worker, living wherever she can find a dry spot whether that's in a warehouse or in a temporary rent apartment. Aside from her initial incarceration, she has avoided provoking the authorities.

Basic Information
NAME: Tami Waller
FACTION:[background= Independent[/size]
RANK:[background= N/A[/size]
SPECIES:[background= Human[/size]
AGE:[background= 26[/size]
SEX:[background= Female[/size]
HEIGHT:[background= [/size][background=163 cm / 1.63 m (5 Feet 4 1/4 Inches)[/size]
WEIGHT:[background= [/size][background=53kg (117 lbs)[/size]
EYES:[background= Hazel[/size]
HAIR:[background= Red[/size]
SKIN:[background= Fair[/size]
FORCE SENSITIVE:[background= No[/size]
Additional Physical Description
Complexion: Red, fair skin.
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.
1 x - Electrospanner, large
1 x - Holdout Blaster
1 x - Holdout Blaster
Tami works as a mechanic, going mobile from spaceport to spaceport acting as a freelance mechanic. She has been working on ships since she was 14. She specializes in engine systems but is also a capable electronic technician. She has no official criminal record and is not registered as a citizen in any dominion or affiliated with any factions.

Basic Information
NAME: Ellara Vendaris
FACTION:[background= Independent[/size]
RANK:[background= N/A[/size]
SPECIES:[background= Human[/size]
AGE:[background= 28[/size]
SEX:[background= Female[/size]
HEIGHT:[background= [/size][background=163 cm / 1.63 m (5 Feet 4 1/4 Inches)[/size]
WEIGHT:[background= [/size][background=53kg (117 lbs)[/size]
EYES:[background= Chocolate Brown[/size]
HAIR:[background= Hazel (Normally, though this is subject to change)[/size]
SKIN:[background= Fair[/size]
FORCE SENSITIVE:[background= No[/size]
Additional Physical Description
Complexion: Dark hair, fair skin.
Piercings: Ears, 1 each.
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: Ears, 1 each.
Tattoos: None.
1 x Durasteel dagger, 5 in blade, worn in garter sheath.
Ellara is the daughter of a small upstart fashion designer, Victor Vendaris. The company was called "VV Design". Their designs have never really taken. Ellara has submitted several designs to various companies but they haven't been produced. She has secured herself as a consultant for some of the smaller design studios but has mostly abandoned her own line of clothing, the company losing its licenses a few years ago. Since the company folded, she has been out of the limelight, supposedly designing more clothing lines wanting to have a portfolio before starting up the company again. Born on Dosuun, she is a full citizen of Avalonia and of the First Order.

Basic Information
NAME: Victoria Paige
FACTION:[background= Independent[/size]
RANK:[background= CEO of Siren Industries[/size]
SPECIES:[background= Human[/size]
AGE:[background= 29[/size]
SEX:[background= Female[/size]
HEIGHT:[background= [/size][background=163 cm / 1.63 m (5 Feet 4 1/4 Inches)[/size]
WEIGHT:[background= [/size][background=53kg (117 lbs)[/size]
EYES:[background= Dirty Blonde[/size]
HAIR:[background= Brown[/size]
SKIN:[background= Fair[/size]
FORCE SENSITIVE:[background= No[/size]
Additional Physical Description
Complexion: Dirty Blonde; wavy, fair skin.
Piercings: Ears, 1 each.
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: Ears, 1 each.
Tattoos: None.
Victoria inherited her father's small company after his death at the hands of a small mercenary group. While typically the CEO of a company does not perform the actual job functions, her father was the exception. After inheriting the company, she forged ahead on her own, rebranding the company "Siren Corporation" and expanding their provided services. The company is an old one but it has remained small until this point. Now rebranded and providing additional services, the company has expanded its service from Endor to Dosuun, the next closest large planetary hub. While she is the CEO, she typically has her VP, Aaron Kartha, manage the day to day operations, coordinating between both offices on Dosuun and Endor.