On this third day of Florentis we mourn the loss of King Alaric Valoren and Queen Amara Valoren in the tragedy that struck the Kingdom on the Night of Betrayal. They will forever be remembered as benevolent leaders who loved the people of the Kingdom and, indeed, the people of the entirety of the world of Lazerian IV. It was the late King's greatest wish that we no longer be a divided people. This was, in part, his reason for marrying Queen Amara. While the state of Doxeti remains separate from the Kingdom, we know that they, too, mourn the loss of the King and Queen, as friend and Lazerian kin alike.
With the loss of our beloved King and Queen, we now elevate their eldest child, Prince Caelan Aereen Valoren, to the status of King of the Kingdom of Devit. This was completed in a private ceremony attended by a few foreign dignitaries and friends of the new King, as well as state administrators to ensure that all proper protocols were followed. Since the King's parents were not around to present the crown, as is tradition, the private ceremony was deemed appropriate. In the absence of his parents, and with Princess Kita Valoren also missing, the crown was placed by the former princess of Ukatis, Corazona von Ascania, at the request of the King.
A celebration will be held at the royal estate in the mountains at a date and time to be selected. Invitations will be sent out to invitees when the King makes it known when he wishes to have the celebration. Until such time, should anyone wish to send well wishes, please send them to the office of Foreign Affairs in the City of Devit, or direct them to the newly appointed representative to the Galactic Alliance, Senator Lyandra Thalorin.
All hail the King!