

Imperial Fleet Report #99678
Investigation into Chiss Activity

Dear, Imperial High Command.

I have received unverified intelligence from an equally mysterious source regarding increased chiss activity in the Pital System. While I do not personally believe they pose a direct threat to the empire in terms of military might after their crushing defeat in Operation Scimitar, there is always a possibility they could serve as a potent rallying symbol to the chiss colonies within other factions.

The proper protocol would be to contact my superiors within the chain of command to notify them of this received intelligence report. However there is a possibility that the chiss would leave the system if they discovered our scouting vessels. While the overall intelligence is shaky at best and would be best handled by the Imperial Security Bureau. I have decided maybe against my better judgement to dispatch my entire armada from Bal Talmshaa in order to confirm this and crush this insurgency before it has time to replenish and distract the empire from its campaign against the Galactic Alliance.

Signed, Moff Abeodan Charidot