
Andulf Teraan Married Adelaide Ulgo
Nicolas Teraan is Born
Nicolas Teraan Engagement to Xinae Baliss
(Engagement broker by House Organa)
(Xinae died during the conflict that followed the fall of the Republic before they could be married)
Nicolas Teraan Married Alastia Ann Plaides
The Twins are born
Adelaide Anne Plaides-Teraan ------------- Andulf Nicholas Plaides-Teraan
Adelaide Anne Plaides-Teraan Engagement to Elijah Astor-------------Andulf Nicholas Plaides-Teraan
Countess Adelaide Anne Plaides-Teraan Married Count Elijah Astor----Andulf Nicholas Plaides-Teraan
Adelaide Anne Astor-Teraan is widowed------------Count Andulf Nicholas Plaides-Teraan
Adelaide Anne Astor-Teraan-------------Ambassador Andulf Nicholas Plaides-Teraan