Love has ever been a controversial subject. The Jedi Code of the glory days of the Galactic Republic teaches us that "there is no emotion, there is peace," and that "there is no passion, there is serenity". It seems to suggest that emotions of any kinda are prohibited, and that being passionate about another person is disallowed amongst Jedi. Whether this was the original intention when the Code was first written, we may never know. Thousands upon thousands of years ago it came into being; a philosophy that served the old Jedi well, until that very philosophy became their doom.

I have been a Jedi all my life. As a young padawan, I grew up in the autumn years of the Republic. As a knight, I helped found the Levantine Sanctum. And as a master, I came to serve the Order of the Silver Jedi as their second Grandmaster following the passing of Master Iella E'ron. I have fought in the name of peace over the course of half a century, on more battlefields than I care to count, each more bloody and devastating than the last. And I carry scars from each and every such battle.

Worst of them all, I have outlived nearly all I count amongst my close friends and companions of old.

And yet, in my heart I still to this day carry that same hope I did in my youth. How, do you ask? How does a man who's lived to see what I've seen, done what I've done, keep his spirits high in the face of such bleak hopelessness?

The answer is the very topic I wish to discuss: Love.

As mentioned, the Jedi Code of old lists emotion and passion as negatives; it suggests replacing these very natural urges with lofty notions of "peace" and "serenity". And yet, a Jedi is also supposed to be a protector, someone who sacrifices themselves for the innocent and banishes the forces of darkness. How can a Jedi possibly care for those same innocents if they are not allowed to love, to feel compassion for them? If that is to be the case, why even bother protecting anyone in the first place?

The Jedi Code argues that one ought not to feel emotion or passion, because these are the pathway to the dark side. I would argue that prohibiting or denying that which makes us who we are, is the true cause of why someone falls to the dark side. Jedi are not machines, but living beings of flesh and blood. We're just people.

I am a happily married man, and have been for decades. I have children and even grandchildren, all of whom I love and cherish most dearly. These factors do nothing to reduce my resolve to help others, or hamper my fighting capabilities, but rather strengthen them. Because I love, because I care, I will fight that much harder to protect them. The same goes for the innocent lives I have fought to defend throughout my career.

Without that love I have shared with my wife and my family for so many years, I would not have been the man I am today.

True love does not lead to the dark side. Passions can lead to rage and fear, and they can be controlled by others. But love is not the same thing as passion. Love will not serve to condemn you, but will instead save you. Love is everything good in this world: Kindness, compassion, hope, generosity... All traits that should describe any Jedi.

I now wish to leave you with these closing words:

Some, indeed most, believe that only great power can keep evil in check. I have found that it is the simple acts of kindness and love of everyday life that keeps the darkness at bay. A kind word and a smile may do more good for a person than any amount of power ever could. So be kind to one another. Love one another. Give hope to one another.

May the Force be with you.