


Upon growing to maturity from a seemingly insignificant spore, the Sarlaac burrows deep into the soil of its host planet - its mighty tendrils firmly planting it as a near-permanent part of the planet’s ecosystem. Thousands of sentients across the galaxy are reported to fall prey to these subterranean predators every year, with experts believing that exponentially more do so and are never found - with their ultimate fates remaining a mystery. What’s interesting, is that no one really thinks about Sarlaacs until they are in freefall into the gaping maw of the very beast underneath. Usually, they are viewed as tangential to greater threats in the general area; be they battles unfolding in remote locales, predatory beasts hunting down a hapless traveler, or the passive but no less pervasive threat of dehydration and hunger.

Similarly; over the past few years, few entities have given much thought to the organization known as Guardian. This is largely by design rather than indicative of neglect or a lack of competence, especially considering the galaxy-spanning war all of the major powers that be are embroiled in. But even as the sacred world of Tython lay besieged by the forces of darkness, organizations such as Guardian do not sit idle. Like the Sarlaac, its roots stretch deeper into the fabric of the galactic underworld - allowing this secretive organization to grow in both power and operational capability. While the more overt threats of the galaxy have taken shape in vast armies and fleets, Guardian seeks to take advantage of the chaos unfolding amidst the flames of war to further its mysterious ends through a combination of subterfuge and infiltration.

While refugees stream through galactic hyperspace lanes to major galactic hubs out of sheer desperation to escape the carnage of the Second Great Hyperspace War, operatives within the aforementioned shadow organization move out to capitalize on the prime opportunity afforded them to infiltrate areas previously rendered impossible to operate within, such as Bastion, Alderaan, & Kalidan. The specific goals surrounding the infiltration of these worlds are unknown across the galaxy’s intelligence agencies, but what can almost be universally agreed upon amongst those who know of Guardian’s existence is...

They are coming.