
Laughing and carrying on, outbursts of humored speech erupting all over a brightly lit room. Smooth marble flooring shined with an immaculate cleanliness, hardly a noticeable smudge or scratch upon its beauty. Echoes of footsteps, the clattering of silverware and plates all embraced by obnoxious golden traces and artistry; considerably more gaudy than being born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, aggressively presenting itself for all to see, being an unmovable object representing all things sickly yet plated over with extravagance, with power.

In the far end of the dining area was seated a Jedi. Bound and tied, skin bruised and busted in areas around their eyes and cheeks - blackened eyelids batted themselves a few times before slowly opening, their eyes adjusting to the blinding brightness all around.

"You're awake! Welcome to the realm of the living, friend. Are you ready for the celebration?"

"C-celebration? Where am I?"

"It's somewhat rude to be so forgetful! Manners, manners, friend. This is all for you!"

"I don't understand... what is this? Who are you?"

Laughing and carrying on, nobody paid any mind to the disheveled and beaten Jedi - his increasing heartrate beating only harder as he took in his surroundings, sweat forming upon his brow and neck - his body hot with anxiety and confusion. Shock tingled his spine and nerves, he couldn't move.

"Am I going to die here?"

"Die? You're very much breathing, are you not?"

"Please let me go, how did I get here? What did you do?"

"It's almost time. Are you hungry? I know I am."

"Please answer me! Why won't you tell me anything!?"

"For every other word that escapes you, please try to make an effort at seeming more appreciative. I went through some hurdles to get to you, had to make things much more dirty than I would've liked."

Ylvaris' face was shining, gleaming with a light sweat upon his upper lip and forehead, his pupils were shrunken to the size of a pen-tip. An excited, rabid illness shown in his gaze - whatever Ylvaris presented himself as normally was not on display here, a self-control so eroded and barely able to be supported on its foundations. A tongue slowly reached out from his maw and tasted the salt upon his own skin, savoring the brine of his own flesh.

Dancing, laughing, carrying on. All in attendance blissfully wrapped up within delusion, drinks and grins, painted lips and the smell of perfumes. A fine collection of platinum garbage, their stink one of excess and abundance - to never want and to never reap what is sown, only what is grown by the less fortunate and starving. Louder and louder, they talked and increased their traditions, louder and louder they laughed and ate, drank and burst with idiocy and glamour, they carried on and on, they never ceased and never once acknowledged the bound and gagged Jedi, their voices penetrating and abrasive, their carelessness a present entity within itself.

He began to sob to himself, powerless and unable to command the Force. Drugged, or perhaps somehow dulled. He couldn't move.

"Did- did you kill them?"



"Does that make you upset?"

"I'll kill you."

"That's the spirit."

Ylvaris and the Jedi locked eyes intensely for what felt like eternity; he fidgeted his limbs, unsuccessfully squirming and trying so very hard to fight back. His mind was clouded, foggy. Soon after, Ylvaris stepped away as he let his eyes slowly peel away from the prize, drifting over to those enjoying their time, to all the "friends" that slither in for feasts and gossip, unmoved by the woes and extremes involved in order to sustain their lifestyle.

Everything fell silent as they all, without verbal command, turned to finally acknowledge the spectacle before them. Ylvaris slowly reached his right hand out and grabbed the Jedi male by the hair. Medium length brown locks, course and rough within the Sith's fingers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, everyone."

Ylavris smiled, his eyes wide and brimming with a tainted light.

"Are you all still hungry? Are you all just WAITING for the next course?"

An eruption of excitement bounced from wall to wall, like a sudden roar.


More excitement, more desire, more laughing.

Ylvaris took one final look, taking in the sheer terror of the Jedi's expression; a twisting, toothy grin was offered back, with a final collecting of sweat as Ylavris' licked his upper lip once again. A soft sigh of satisfaction.

From within the room was a cacophony, horrid pleading. Ylavris laughed louder and louder himself, every voice blending and twisting together to create a unified chanting and choral noise so awful yet harmonized.

Soon again there was silence, and then followed the banter, the gossip.

Laughing and carrying on.
