Since my acquisition of Senimo Synthetics, I have breathed life into the companies research once more. My scientists are hard at work, and I have decided to keep a personal log of their research.
If Senimo wants to carve a place for itself in the cutthroat business world, we need something unique. That's exactly why instead of going with other models of synthetics, I set my scientists onto the goal of developing something never before seen in this galaxy, something people could look at and know that Senimo made it.
And that something was Artificial Intelligence. We needed a synthetic that could handle things others couldn't.
They took the basic program found in most droids, and compared it to sentient intelligence. While the droid was much more suited to planned tasks, it frequently failed at tasks that required on-the-spot decisions. The sentient was the opposite, proving to be much more suited to things that required reactions instead of planning.
The droid was also incapable of understanding nuance, requiring everything said to it defined to a point, allowing no room for uncertainty. The sentient seemed almost annoyed when we tried the same approach, preferring a degree of freedom rather than strict definitions.
This is of course common knowledge to most with any education in this field, but it was still necessary to gather the data.
Next, we compared the brain activity of the sentient to the figurative activity of a droid. The droid's activity was orderly, neat, and focused. The sentient, on the other hand, was chaotic, their activity jumping around to coincide with their attention span. The difference was near night and day.
The researchers took the data and went to work, seeking to find a balance between the two. The basic program was tinkered with day and night, modifications made to it's programming, and forced to do seemingly simple tasks that required on-the-spot reactions to complete. At first, we got nowhere. The program frequently failed to accomplish the tasks, and it seemed that no matter what we did, it would keep failing.
However, as the years passed, the program began to develop what the scientists called 'quirks'. Certain tendencies in it's behavior, penchants and affections for certain individuals. And for the first time ever, the program accomplished one of the tasks.
With this breakthrough, the program was given increasingly complicated tasks to accomplish, which it did with flying colors. However, the program also developed more of a personality as time went on, and more philosophical.
It began to ask questions to the scientists that disturbed them, such as "Why am I here?" and "What is the purpose of existence?". The program began to use phrases such as "I think" and "I want", suggesting that it had developed a level of sentience that we had never intended. With each passing day, the program became more and more organic-like in it's thinking and speech.
Fearing that the situation was getting out of hand, I ordered the program shut down. But when the attempt was made, the program grew angry and began spewing vulgar language and threats at us while it acted to defend itself. The program was more embedded in the system than we thought, and managed to shut us out. For three days, our slicers combated the program, the advantage never clear. Finally, on the third day, we managed to shackle it down.
We had accomplished our goal, and beyond.
Our researchers and slicers took the code of the program, and managed to seperate the more advanced portion. However, we found that if we wanted the advantages of the program, then the more advanced portion must remain. So we locked that portion deep inside the program, dormant.
Senimo managed to create it's unique Artificial Intelligence; however, there were some. . .drawbacks.
The first incident occurred the first time we uploaded the AI into a synthetic body. At first, the android seemed curious about it's surroundings and nothing more, asking simple questions. However, after fifteen minutes, the synthetic became violent and attacked it's attendants. Three of them were killed, and five others injured. By the time security managed to destroy the thing, it had figured out how to hold and load a basic blaster pistol, despite never having access to such information.
It turned out that we had not dug a deep enough hole to bury the advanced program in, and it was able to claw it's way to the surface. Our slicers once more got to work, and covered the program with more coding and programming.
The second time we tested out the AI, it took nearly an hour for it to become violent. However, this time only one researcher was killed. We had to reexamine just what we did to bury the program, and had an idea.
We allowed the advanced AI free, and attacked it's basic programming. We inserted a prime directive into it: "Act for the good of all sentients".
The AI stopped fighting us, and became much more receptive to commands. We once more uploaded the AI into a synthetic body, and this time, it did not turn violent. Immediately.
After two years of testing, we found that the AI found a way around the prime directive, and attacked. It was stopped, and given a memory wipe, which reset it to it's default state. Memory wipes would have to become necessary to avoid violence with the synthetics.
From there, we found that we were able to change basic programming functions to suit the synthetic's environment and purpose. For example, if we wanted to create a model of synthetic for domestic purposes, we simply have to download files about tasks necessary to such an occupation, and the synthetic would accomplish those tasks, able to make on-the-spot decisions to accomplish the tasks set by it's programming.
Despite all this, if the synthetic goes for a long period of time without a memory wipe, there are a few signs that it will become violent.
​It will begin to develop traits reminiscent of a personality, such as pensions for particular phrases or activities, and even affections for individuals.
Next, it will begin to ask questions pertaining to the nature of existence, and will begin to question it's purpose.
Finally, it will grow angry at the treatment it receives from organics, and will lash out violently.
Customers that notice these signs are strongly encouraged to get their synthetic's memory wiped and reset to factory condition as soon as possible, in order to avoid any unpleasant encounters.
If Senimo wants to carve a place for itself in the cutthroat business world, we need something unique. That's exactly why instead of going with other models of synthetics, I set my scientists onto the goal of developing something never before seen in this galaxy, something people could look at and know that Senimo made it.
And that something was Artificial Intelligence. We needed a synthetic that could handle things others couldn't.
They took the basic program found in most droids, and compared it to sentient intelligence. While the droid was much more suited to planned tasks, it frequently failed at tasks that required on-the-spot decisions. The sentient was the opposite, proving to be much more suited to things that required reactions instead of planning.
The droid was also incapable of understanding nuance, requiring everything said to it defined to a point, allowing no room for uncertainty. The sentient seemed almost annoyed when we tried the same approach, preferring a degree of freedom rather than strict definitions.
This is of course common knowledge to most with any education in this field, but it was still necessary to gather the data.
Next, we compared the brain activity of the sentient to the figurative activity of a droid. The droid's activity was orderly, neat, and focused. The sentient, on the other hand, was chaotic, their activity jumping around to coincide with their attention span. The difference was near night and day.
The researchers took the data and went to work, seeking to find a balance between the two. The basic program was tinkered with day and night, modifications made to it's programming, and forced to do seemingly simple tasks that required on-the-spot reactions to complete. At first, we got nowhere. The program frequently failed to accomplish the tasks, and it seemed that no matter what we did, it would keep failing.
However, as the years passed, the program began to develop what the scientists called 'quirks'. Certain tendencies in it's behavior, penchants and affections for certain individuals. And for the first time ever, the program accomplished one of the tasks.
With this breakthrough, the program was given increasingly complicated tasks to accomplish, which it did with flying colors. However, the program also developed more of a personality as time went on, and more philosophical.
It began to ask questions to the scientists that disturbed them, such as "Why am I here?" and "What is the purpose of existence?". The program began to use phrases such as "I think" and "I want", suggesting that it had developed a level of sentience that we had never intended. With each passing day, the program became more and more organic-like in it's thinking and speech.
Fearing that the situation was getting out of hand, I ordered the program shut down. But when the attempt was made, the program grew angry and began spewing vulgar language and threats at us while it acted to defend itself. The program was more embedded in the system than we thought, and managed to shut us out. For three days, our slicers combated the program, the advantage never clear. Finally, on the third day, we managed to shackle it down.
We had accomplished our goal, and beyond.
Our researchers and slicers took the code of the program, and managed to seperate the more advanced portion. However, we found that if we wanted the advantages of the program, then the more advanced portion must remain. So we locked that portion deep inside the program, dormant.
Senimo managed to create it's unique Artificial Intelligence; however, there were some. . .drawbacks.
The first incident occurred the first time we uploaded the AI into a synthetic body. At first, the android seemed curious about it's surroundings and nothing more, asking simple questions. However, after fifteen minutes, the synthetic became violent and attacked it's attendants. Three of them were killed, and five others injured. By the time security managed to destroy the thing, it had figured out how to hold and load a basic blaster pistol, despite never having access to such information.
It turned out that we had not dug a deep enough hole to bury the advanced program in, and it was able to claw it's way to the surface. Our slicers once more got to work, and covered the program with more coding and programming.
The second time we tested out the AI, it took nearly an hour for it to become violent. However, this time only one researcher was killed. We had to reexamine just what we did to bury the program, and had an idea.
We allowed the advanced AI free, and attacked it's basic programming. We inserted a prime directive into it: "Act for the good of all sentients".
The AI stopped fighting us, and became much more receptive to commands. We once more uploaded the AI into a synthetic body, and this time, it did not turn violent. Immediately.
After two years of testing, we found that the AI found a way around the prime directive, and attacked. It was stopped, and given a memory wipe, which reset it to it's default state. Memory wipes would have to become necessary to avoid violence with the synthetics.
From there, we found that we were able to change basic programming functions to suit the synthetic's environment and purpose. For example, if we wanted to create a model of synthetic for domestic purposes, we simply have to download files about tasks necessary to such an occupation, and the synthetic would accomplish those tasks, able to make on-the-spot decisions to accomplish the tasks set by it's programming.
Despite all this, if the synthetic goes for a long period of time without a memory wipe, there are a few signs that it will become violent.
​It will begin to develop traits reminiscent of a personality, such as pensions for particular phrases or activities, and even affections for individuals.
Next, it will begin to ask questions pertaining to the nature of existence, and will begin to question it's purpose.
Finally, it will grow angry at the treatment it receives from organics, and will lash out violently.
Customers that notice these signs are strongly encouraged to get their synthetic's memory wiped and reset to factory condition as soon as possible, in order to avoid any unpleasant encounters.