Capris could taste iron on her lips, a thin river of blood trailing from nose to chin before being smeared by a lone palm. She fought off a wince as firecrackers of pain danced over bruised skin.

Her fingers then curled right back into a fist.

She could take punches— practically had to given her choice of pass time—but just like anyone else the girl had her boiling point. Capris's protesting muscles only allowed for a sharp side step as the trandoshan barreled her way. Pivoting on one leg, she used the other to deliver a kick spanning his abdomen and rib cage, right as he tore through the air she used to occupy. His momentum sent him recoiling off the ring's perimeter with a wheeze.

The announcer screamed. "And she returns the favor with another devastating hit!"

Capris would never admit it to herself, but that praise fed something starving within her.

It was then a quiet poke from the force forced her eyes up and out into the dim lit audience. A flash of dark hair. A thin branching facial scar. Tawny eyes. Her own widened in the shape of vague familiarity. Was that..?


The girl faltered, narrowly avoiding her skull getting caved in by centimeters. Switching gears she ducked, wrapped around the man and delivered a kick under his jawline to a layer of occipital nerves. With comical immediacy, his body slumped, chin hitting the mat with a smattering of blood. A chorus of frenzied cheers could hardly reach her over the rabbit skip of her own heart. She let her hand be raised by the referee like a limp puppet, eyes fixed on the audience as she sought out..

It wasn't him.

Her chest rose and fell on a wave of labored breaths, warbled static filling in the space occupied by screams.

It would never be him.