

Personal Log: The Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order

The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances founded in the aftermath of the Yuuzahn Vong War was a nation of grim necessity. Its predecessor, the New Republic, was a nation built on victory. They had defeated the Galactic Empire, unified the galaxy against the dangers of tyranny and oppression, and ushered in a new age of democracy. They were also weak. Numerous threats rose to challenge the New Republic ranging from Imperial Warlords to internal corruption scandals. More often than naught, the New Republic was only saved by the actions of a select few heroes, rather than the strength of the nation itself. When the Yuuzahn Vong finally came, the cracks that had been laid during the New Republics foundation were finally blown open, and the nation, and the galaxy it had claimed for itself, came crashing down.

The Galactic Alliance was formed in defeat. They had seen the flaws of the past system, and knew that if they were to survive power had to be projected, not just suggested. Order had to be created, not just voted upon. The Galactic Alliance fought against the Yuuzahn Vong, and with the aid of heroes, yes, they were able to eventually win the war. This new government held greater sway and control over the galaxy than the New Republic, and under their direction many worlds prospered as they had not for decades. The greatest flaw of the Galactic Alliance in those days was that it was a oligarchy playing at democracy. It ruled with an iron grip over the galaxy, playing lip service to the idea that all had equal say, all had equal representation. The Second Galactic Civil War saw this illusion of peace shattered. Many blame Darth Caedus for the nations rapid collapse into 'evil', but I do not think it was his fault. The Galactic Alliance changed far too rapidly, and was by and large far too willing to bend to Caedus for it to have been only him that caused it. He offered them something that the democracies of the galaxy could only dream of. He offered them Order.

Through both government, the New Jedi Order grew. In both power and influence the New Jedi Order eclipsed the Jedi of the Old Republic. They truly came into their power during the Galactic Alliance in the days leading up to the Second Galactic Civil War. Jedi operatives staged covert operations to assassinate and kidnap private citizens of the Galactic Alliance based on, until that point, nothing but rumors. They staged insurgency operations to cripple, and in doing so kill many Galactic Alliance citizens, stations that could potentially have been a weapon against the Galactic Alliance. Compared to the operations of the later Galactic Alliance Guard, are the Jedi of the time so out of place?

The Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order of our modern times are starkly different from their namesakes of the past, but recent events have seen startling correlations being made. I will not try and defend the actions of the Empire. We have overstepped ourselves in several events in recent months, and our operation at Ilum was ill-advised, with the costly outcome supporting my belief I think. However, the actions of the New Jedi Order following the events at Ilum pose a far greater threat to not just the Empire, but the galaxy as a whole. Several operations conducted by the Jedi into the Empire have seen citizens doing nothing but defending the borders and integrity of our nation have come under assault by Jedi operatives. Locations under Imperial oversight, but firmly on neutral worlds, have similarly come under attack by the New Jedi Order. Rather than restraining the actions of their organization, the Galactic Alliance has done nothing less than endorse it. The new Supreme Chancellor is a former Jedi after all, so is it so shocking?

The New Imperial Order began as a rebellion against the Sith Empire. We relied on certain Sith to aid us in our cause of liberation, but when the time came, we did not allow the Sith to dictate our nation. When the time came, the New Imperial Order did what had to be done in Kyber Dark. Now, the Empire has its Imperial Knights, Force Users dedicated to the service of the Empire first and foremost rather than their own agendas. They are not going on missions destruction in the false name of "peace". They are not killing citizens of other nations for simply doing their jobs. Force Users can not be allowed to govern a nation. The Empire learned this from the Sith Empire, and we have worked to correct it. Rurik Fel was not an exception to this rule, and even the Emperor understood the dangers of Force Users in power. He was the leader the Empire needed in a dark time, but he is gone.

The New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance they 'serve' pose the greatest existential crisis to the Empire. The Brotherhood of the Maw, no matter their power and ability, are run by Sith. The Empire has proven it can deal with the Sith time and time again. The time for us to deal with the threat of the Jedi, and the Galactic Alliance that sponsors them, is coming.


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