



This is Holly Starstorm reporting live for HNN!

Concerned political figures of the galaxy are worried that our galaxies youth do not have enough safe spaces to hang out and enjoying being children. As wars continue to push into the galaxy on all fronts concerned citizens voted today to pave the way for a new project that would change the way children relate to the galaxy. Today it was announced that the construction of a new space called "The Playhouse" would take place. This clubhouse is designed for youngsters of the galaxy to form bonds and interactions regardless of faction alignment. The investors behind the project are excited to break ground.

HNN will follow the story live as it develops.

The coordinates to the Playhouse are as follows for any youngster wishing to make friends!

OOC Notes: This is a discord server. It is not a faction. The idea is just a place where people writing teenage or young adults can find posting buddies. It's difficult for those outside of the big padawan group to find younger characters so this discord is just a place where anybody can join and find younger friends. Feel free to join if you want to chat. Again this is NOT nor will it EVER be a faction.