Organa Humanitarian Cross


Throughout Galactic history, House Organa of Alderaan has distinguished itself with its service to the people of the Galaxy. During days long past, Leia and Bail Organa were instrumental to the rebellion and returning peace to the Galaxy after many years of darkness. In recent years, current members such as Alicio Organa and Amani Serys have given their blood, sweat, and tears to offer protection and humanitarian aid to people in need. Between the refugee cities on Alderaan and the Vonnuvi Enclave, countless people have been offered shelter and basic needs for survival during times of crisis.

For that reason, the Galactic Alliance has chosen to honor this type of selfless work with a new accolade — The Organa Humanitarian Cross.


Named after members of the highly esteemed House Organa of Alderaan, The Organa Humanitarian Cross is awarded for distinguished, selfless service in support of people's welfare during or in the aftermath of a crisis.

With the inception of this new award, Alicio Organa, Amani Serys, Inanna Harth Inanna Harth and Jasper Kai'el have been chosen as its first recipients. Their hard work and continuous effort to support people in times of need will forever be appreciated and remembered.