Projects to be Completed
New Projects: GREEN
In Progress: YELLOW
Complete: RED
Medal and Ribbon Series (Ongoing)
Updated: 27 May 2016
These will be completed as time and muse allows, and not necessarily in the order they were received. Individual art requests contain linkbacks for my own ease of completion of the request.
- Medal and Ribbon Series shall not be counted in the available work que slot limit, as they are ongoing
- Medal and Ribbon Series are color-coded according to Faction color on the Galactic Map
- Projects listed as ON HOLD shall not count towards work que limit of 2
New Projects: GREEN
In Progress: YELLOW
Complete: RED
Medal and Ribbon Series (Ongoing)
- None Currently
- None Currently
- None Currently
- None Currently
Updated: 27 May 2016
These will be completed as time and muse allows, and not necessarily in the order they were received. Individual art requests contain linkbacks for my own ease of completion of the request.