Arrows Capsules:

Image Source: Pinterest
Intent: To give Matreya some gadgets
Development Thread: na
Manufacturer: Merr-Sonn Inc,
Model: Arrow Capsule Attachments
Affiliation: Matreya (Valashu Elahad)
Modularity: Potential Variations
Production: Unique
  • Explosive A - Thermobaric Explosive
  • Explosive B - Plastic Explosive
  • Shocker - High Output Electrical Tazer
  • Fear Moss Gas - Gas Canister
Description: Each of the capsules is easily slid, from feather to head, onto the shaft of an arrow. Despite normal arrows being useful, these can be added for certain situations that need more. The Shocker Capsule however requires a secondary factor than simply installing it, by means of attaching output connectors to the arrowhead.
Primary Source: NA


Only the belt design, with the gun to fire. No extra gadgets mentioned.
Disclaimer: The belt is an olive green to contrast the emerald of his Archer Suit
Image Source: Pinterest
Intent: To give Matreya some gadgets
Development Thread: na
Manufacturer: Merr-Sonn Inc,
Model: Gadget Grapple Belt
Affiliation: Matreya (Valashu Elahad)
Modularity: Additions or removal of gadgets
Production: Unique
  • Belt - Durasteel
  • Grapple/Cable - High Tensile Strength Carbon Fiber Titanium
Description: A belt made to assist in getting to places undetected, and carry in items. There is roughly a thousand meters of cable in the belt. This is also where the Arrow Capsules hang, combined with the Stealth Field Generator and No-Show.
Primary Source: NA

Image Source: Pinterest
Intent: To give Matreya some gadgets
Development Thread: na
Manufacturer: Merr-Sonn Inc,
Model: Archer Mask
Affiliation: Matreya (Valashu Elahad)
Modularity: na
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Circuitry
Description: A HUD goggle set, with a thick frame to house circuitry as well as the input-output mic-speaker set for voice modulation. It has a set of electromagnetic sensors that extend the full spectrum, with macro-micro changing enhancements, as well as increased perception to sound thanks to the mic input, which broadcasts to ear pieces.
Primary Source: na