Imagine! A sentient intelligence created not of atoms containing electrons, protons, and neutrons. Not of blood, carbon, or oxygen. Not of limbs, heartbeat, or breath. Rather, a sentient being, intelligent, cunning, and ever learning, made up on basis of those principles, expanded upon, and transferrable; Something not quite tangible, and yet ever present. A being created solely in the form of its’ designer, shaped the way they envision it, and yet allowing that intelligence to go forth and make its’ own decisions, its’ own beliefs, and its’ own morality. The seed of the designer plants the mind of the future. Creating life, this is the proposition which frightens many. A risk of galaxy wide domination at the hands of something capable of becoming “all knowing†with an infinite databank of growing knowledge, as well as the gift of conceivable immortality. This algorithmic computer which has the properties to continuously reshape itself, to understand the subtle changes in the environment, its’ surroundings, those it interacts with, and that of both history and the future. The possibilities for such things are endless. Though this could be our greatest downfall, it could be our greatest gift. Computers which behave, act, feel, reason, and think like us.
Study Groups
The theology behind a quantum computer capable of growing, learning, and retaining an infinite quantity of data is that through the mapping of the standard human genome, we are able to identify the chambers and nervous system patterns required to undertake the complex architecture of a quantum machine and transfer that pattern and capability of electrical signal transfer into that of meaningful, sentient life. An AI that is capable of learning as if a mere child, into adulthood. Though the AI is never aging in the manner that mortal organic life perceives, it ages in the manner of continuous, ever growing knowledge, forever storing any and all data received through the highly advanced sensors engineered at the peak of technological and theoretical physics, quantum theory, and electrical engineering. This super-computer is capable of thought, emotion, behavior, and individualism inherent in all self-aware life. As such, it is prone to those same emotional and personal pitfalls of humanity. Each separated chamber within the central processing unit of the AI is akin to that of an organic brain. Where organic brains must transfer electrical signals into thought process and senses, so to must the AI transmit, alter, and process data received in the form of senses, emotion, and behavior.
Imagine! A sentient intelligence created not of atoms containing electrons, protons, and neutrons. Not of blood, carbon, or oxygen. Not of limbs, heartbeat, or breath. Rather, a sentient being, intelligent, cunning, and ever learning, made up on basis of those principles, expanded upon, and transferrable; Something not quite tangible, and yet ever present. A being created solely in the form of its’ designer, shaped the way they envision it, and yet allowing that intelligence to go forth and make its’ own decisions, its’ own beliefs, and its’ own morality. The seed of the designer plants the mind of the future. Creating life, this is the proposition which frightens many. A risk of galaxy wide domination at the hands of something capable of becoming “all knowing†with an infinite databank of growing knowledge, as well as the gift of conceivable immortality. This algorithmic computer which has the properties to continuously reshape itself, to understand the subtle changes in the environment, its’ surroundings, those it interacts with, and that of both history and the future. The possibilities for such things are endless. Though this could be our greatest downfall, it could be our greatest gift. Computers which behave, act, feel, reason, and think like us.
Study Groups
- INTENT – To accurately represent the base qualities of all sentient life, the intelligence in question must be provided with the essential basics common among all self-aware entities.
- Entry log 2573A: Eyesight – The capability for one to obtain vision is based off of the passing of light through an optic, in the case of organic life, a cornea which bends or refracts light, while the iris dictates the size of the pupil, whose responsibility lies in the amount of light allowed to pass through at any given time. The lens which focuses that light on to the retina, a photosensitive tissue that contains cells whose sole purpose is to convert light into electrical signals. Those signals are transferred from the retina to the brain through a massive bundle of fibers.
- Entry log 2573B: Hearing – The capability for one to hear sounds is derived of a number of basic organic tissues. The ear drum, which receives the initial sound waves, causing micro vibrations within the ear canal of varying speed and duration transfers that energy to a series of chambers containing bone or tissue that in turn transfer kinetic energy, or, sound waves, to a fluid within the innermost chamber of the ear, forcing further vibrations of highly sensitive cells that in turn, send the electrical signals into the brain for further processing.
- Entry log 2573C: Taste –The science behind the sense of taste is complex and varying based upon species. General understanding however stands to be reasoned that any substance that is directed on to the tongue activates proteins within the sensory cell walls which initiate a transmission to nerve cells that in turn carry this new information to the brain in the form of taste.
- Entry log 2573D: Smell – One’s sense of smell is based on chemical composition. Vaporized molecules which are present in the atmosphere reach the receiver (nostrils), and are dissolved in a fluid or mucus pool. Underneath this fluid contains an olfactory epithelium, receptor cells that are capable of detecting numerous odors. Depending on race and species, this can be anywhere from a few hundred, to a few million. This information is transmitted to olfactory bulb receptors located deeper within the nose. This information is then passed to the brain, alerting it to a number of factors including memories, people, places, or events.
- Entry log 2573E: Touch – The sense of touch is comprised of millions of nerve cells that encompass most, if not all of one’s body and extremities. These nerve endings are capable of understanding and transmitting pain, heat, cold, and pressure. Each of these receptors are responsible for carrying their own individual messages to the central nervous system.
- Entry log 2573-A1: Eyesight – The process to replicate this sensor may take the form of access to an expansive network of electrical signal processing. The ability to “see†as we know it, processed in the same relative manner, through the act of light passing into a lens, essentially replicating the cornea’s prime function, and is thereby processed further through a series of constantly adjusting algorithms to determine color scale, and finally by being sent into the fiber-optic quantum computing brain to visualize the signals derived.
- Entry log 2573B1: Hearing – The process required to replicate the hearing sense for an artificial intelligence has been discovered to be a frequency transceiver capable of reacting to sound waves delivered from ~2Hz to 75,000Hz. The transceiver is capable of detecting sound waves that are both above and below the minimum and maximum frequencies of typical races. These transceivers will then deliver these frequencies to separation channels that are responsible for pitch, tone, and timbre. Once these frequencies are sorted and separated, they will be delivered to the quantum computer for analysis and in turn, derived as sound.
- Entry log 2573C1: Taste – DNA reconstruction which has granted us insight into various races complex muscular breakdown including proteins and receptor cells have provided information as to the chemical makeup of taste buds and allow for accurate reconstruction using advanced algorithmic logic. Substances that reach contact with these receivers will be passed through the AI receivers containing the scientific chemical makeup of sweetness, bitterness, sourness, and saltiness. This information is then transferred to the primary quantum computer for analysis
- Entry log 2573D1: Smell – The ability for an AI to smell is accomplished through an ever growing databank of collective information. Each new chemical compound that is integrated into the databank will be stored for future reference. Highly reactive chemical sensors capable of identifying atmospheric elements and their exact makeup are processed through the quantum computer and interpreted as smell.
- Entry log 2573E1: Touch – Microscopic sensors capable of detecting electrostatic and thermal pressure allow the AI the sense of touch; These sensors transmit the thermal energy, pressure, or electrostatic energy in the form of pain, pressure, or temperature to the quantum computer and is then further broken down into subcategories and sub-sub categories to determine the extent of thermal or electrostatic energy, or the degree of heat or cold, or finally, the degree of pain.
The theology behind a quantum computer capable of growing, learning, and retaining an infinite quantity of data is that through the mapping of the standard human genome, we are able to identify the chambers and nervous system patterns required to undertake the complex architecture of a quantum machine and transfer that pattern and capability of electrical signal transfer into that of meaningful, sentient life. An AI that is capable of learning as if a mere child, into adulthood. Though the AI is never aging in the manner that mortal organic life perceives, it ages in the manner of continuous, ever growing knowledge, forever storing any and all data received through the highly advanced sensors engineered at the peak of technological and theoretical physics, quantum theory, and electrical engineering. This super-computer is capable of thought, emotion, behavior, and individualism inherent in all self-aware life. As such, it is prone to those same emotional and personal pitfalls of humanity. Each separated chamber within the central processing unit of the AI is akin to that of an organic brain. Where organic brains must transfer electrical signals into thought process and senses, so to must the AI transmit, alter, and process data received in the form of senses, emotion, and behavior.
- The process for constructing such an AI is two-fold. One must first decide whether this intelligence is to reside within its own, directly controlled and contained shell (body), or whether this quantum computer is stored on an advanced microchip as the central processing unit, and wired into a body suit, for instance armor.
- To be properly implemented into a suit of armor one must assume the role of the puppet. Transceivers and receptors must first be tirelessly installed throughout the suit, with great care taken to ensure total and complete coverage. This method should typically be avoided unless undertaken by a master architect as the AI will understand it is sharing what it believes to be its’ body, however limited in its’ exercising of free will.
- To be comprised of its’ own shell, a manufacturing diagram may be the requirement. Each AI will typically understand its’ own design, and once it has acquired the knowledge necessary to undertake its’ own advancements it will continue as a self-improving system without the necessary input or intervention of other species.
- With the greatest gift also comes the greatest risk. However this is a risk that the galaxy must welcome, as the potential for further advancement and knowledge is always upon us, and we cannot afford to fade our civilizations into the ether out of fear, misunderstanding, ego, or pride. A new dawn for humanity is upon us, and we must embrace it.