
All Roads Lead To Tython, Part. II


“Take a deep breath, Cailen,” Master Undara said as he placed a hand on his Padawan’s shoulder.

The boy inhaled deeply, taking in the cool morning air, then exhaled. It was a simple exercise, but one that’s easy to forget when faced with such insurmountable odds.

“I’m sorry, Master, I-“ Cailen began, but Undara raised his hand to halt the boy.

“Your angst is nothing to apologize for, Cailen. It’s a natural feeling - an expected one, even, given the circumstances.”

Perhaps he was right; Cailen’s life since becoming Master Tarus Undara’s Padawan had been anything but ideal. Just weeks after completing the Gathering, the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order became aware of the Brotherhood of the Maw’s sinister plan to invade and conquer Tython. Since this revelation, Master Undara began accelerating Cailen’s training. Lightsaber forms took months, years, even lifetimes to learn, let alone master; Force abilities require delicate training and refinement to reach their full potential; Studying the ways of the Force itself and Jedi history were never ending.

But Undara had only months to prepare his Padawan, not years.

”Master? What are they like? The Maw?” Cailen asked as the two Jedi looked upon the distant mountains that surrounded the basin.

Undara shifted uncomfortably, but obliged an answer.

“They’re animals, Cailen. Monsters who relish in the Dark Side and feed on the spirit and will of the good and the innocent.”

Undara’s face was dark, the heavy burden of fighting the Maw weighing on his mind and heart.

”Why do they hate us so much, Master?” Cailen asked, looking up at the older man.

The Jedi Master shook his head, sighing.

“I don’t know. The Dark Side, it… changes you. It drives you to do the most awful things for an ounce of power. The Maw believe that they can achieve glory, fulfill a prophecy, by destroying the Light Side of the Force and erasing it from the galaxy.”

He turned, looking into Cailen’s eyes. They were full of innocence. It pained him to think of what the coming days would do to the boy.

“They want to kill you, destroy you, and rend the Force from your spirit,” Undara said harshly.

Cailen winced at his words. Was such a thing possible? Even before becoming a Jedi, Cailen’s life had always been laced with the Force. It was like a guiding hand, a distant friend who looked out for him. Could the Maw really sever that?

Master Undara realized his words had stung the Padawan, and so he knelt down to eye-level. He placed his hands on Cailen’s shoulders and gave them a reassuring squeeze.

“We’re here to make sure the Maw doesn’t do that,” he said, his voice warm and sincere.

“We will not stand for the Maw or its vile doctrine. The Light Side will prevail, Cailen. We must have that hope.”

Cailen nodded, his confidence restored by his Master’s words.

Undara stood to his feet, gazing once more at the mountain peaks in the distance. He had to be strong for the boy, but even he was nervous to face the Maw horde.

“Hope,” he thought to himself.

“We must have hope.”