
Intense Pain
Then Light

With a sudden shock, a young twi'lek man opens his eyes and shoots up, only to find a pair of gentle hands pushing him back down to the cold ground. The twi'lek could hardly see, his vision was a obscured by something and his entire body felt as if he'd just been hit by speeder going full speed. While he could not see, he did manage to speak in his condition after a coughing fit

"Wha-... Who are you!?" the twi'lek grunted out in basic, though he wasn't quite sure if whoever had just laid him back down was still alongside him.

"That doesn't matter. Try not to move to much." a voice returned, older and somewhat melancholy, though it was oddly familiar. The twi'lek was in no position to argue, as soon enough an intense pain began to rise in his abdomen, causing him to mutter various slurs through his teeth that seemed to mix together, though soon enough he felt a sharp prick in the area where the pain had arisen, easing the burning sensation though not entirely removing it.

"I... I can't see." The twi'lek began again, though he was more relaxed knowing that at the very least someone was there to help him.

"I know, I didn't think you'd want to. I still don't think you do." the man says, though it was no threat. Simply a kindness from one being to another.

"Take this blasted thing off my face!" the twi'lek angrily cries out, though to his surprise his command was obeyed instantly, and soon enough he was observing level 1303 of Coruscant, the level he had called home for most of his life. But that wasn't all that he could see. His eyes fixed on the man who had apparently been helping him all this time, and the twi'lek came to a sudden realization.

"I... I mugged you." the alien began, the older man simply returned a half-hearted smile. The older man had blood staining his shirt and hands, yet the twi'lek had not been to rough the old human, he'd just held up his blaster and demanded credits which the man had provided. That's when his mind had begun to put things together and his head slowly turned to look down at his body. His chest was soaked in his own blood that seeped from large gashes that appeared as if there was an attempt at treatment. Yet it appeared as if nothing had worked.

While the twi'lek could hardly say anything, the older man at his side finally spoke up again, though the sadness in his voice had returned.

"I'm sorry, this is how I found you. I did all I could." The alien moved his eyes toward the old human, looking up into his glasses and finding no anger.

Just pity.

And regret.

"Why..." the twi'lek began to say, before coughing again and finding the taste of blood in his mouth.

"Everyone deserves a chance." the old man says.

The twi'lek shakes his head, before quietly muttering "N-no... Why are you s-till-"

"Because no one deserves to die alone."

This confirmed what the twi'lek had come to believe, he was dying.

And the man he'd mugged earlier in the day was sitting at his side attempting to bring him some sort of peace.

"D-do... you t-think I'm evil?" the twi'lek began again, to this the old man only chuckles, bringing his hand to rest on his muggers shoulder.

"The fact you are asking in the first place mean's you're not." the alien nods, his head returning to look on the beacon of light in the distance, one of the many tunnels that led to the surface, tunnels that led to a better life for anyone who could keep moving up. Yet that was not to be his fate.

"My name is Wilross." the old man began again, though their eyes did no meet this time. They both only looked to the light in the distance.

"B-Blavis." the twi'lek croaked out, his whole body now cold and his movements weak. Breathing was becoming difficult.

The old man shifts next to the alien, drawing a black blanket over his bloodied body, leaving only his upper torso and head exposed.

"I... I feel so tired."

"You can rest, Blavis. I'm not going anywhere."

With this conformation, Blavis closes his eyes once again.

No Pain
No Guilt
Just Peace

Only Wilross remained, covering the young man with the rest of the blanket as he himself looked on into the distance, toward the light so many in the depths desperately sought. Men and women died alone each and every day without even a hand to hold at the end.

This was a tragedy, but at least one being didn't die alone today.