Avalore panted over the decapitated form at her feet. The sith undead were part of Tash Taral, and the only thing that had brought her to the caustic cliff face at the edge of the spaceport. She needed its alchemical properties for her studies, though perhaps killing it had been the real challenge.

Blood flowed freely from a gash at her temple and she clutched her her left arm to her side.

She barely had time for air to enter her lungs when an ominous rattle echoed from behind her, drawn in by the smell of her blood. Red hot pain flashed across her shoulder, fangs the size of fingers sank into her flesh. There was no time to react. Her body was lifted up and thrashed against the rock face. The impact ripped away her new half sword and she fell, disoriented, onto the dusty desert floor.

A faint gleam rolling over the cliff edge left her with the sinking feeling that her new sword was now a lost sword.


She wiped blood from her eyes, her vision clearing to the sight of a ten foot serpent rearing up for its second attack. She could do nothing more than glare in understanding, but if looks could kill it would already be dead.

It reared back, fangs dripping with the poison that seared through her shoulder, and she let out a scream of sudden anger. The veil that had sat between her and the darkside ripped away. Its presence pumped through her blood, its corrupting touch findings its way to the core of her. The darkness took Avalore for the first time.

"Stop," she gritted, and the surging serpent froze in place. The force tightened around it, crushing its will as she crippled and bent it to hers. Her veins burned with the poison that only brought her closer to the power, and her weariness faded away. She pushed to her feet, amber eyes meeting the serpent's.

The force surged again. The fanged creature turned in on its own ropey body.

And bit.

And ate.

And devoured.