Hah! Got you with the title, didn't I? No, this isn't that type of novel question, but a literal question pertaining to my current novel project.

I've been at a mental impasse for a while and it pertains to a choice that one of my main characters must make. Let me outline it a little bit without divulging too much.

A situation occured in which she had to be rescued from certain death by one of the other main characters (there are 3). In so doing, he sort of took her captive because he needed her help, but also she couldn't stay where she was either. She has demanded that when they reach their next destination she be allowed to leave the ship for good. When they reach their next destination, they will encounter another of his species and she wont be necessary for him to travel any longer. She can leave and stay on the world, which is uninhabited, with access to a ship that requires two people to fly, or she can stay with the person who saved her. If she stays, she could utilize her new knowledge of the ship to find a way to convert the one she was left with into being able to fly with one crewmember. If she goes, she can be an asset for the real mission to save the galaxy.

I can see her doing either one. She does not want to be a captive, but being maybe trapped on a world alone? Tough choice and I'm not sure which she makes so I'm asking for input.

Let me know what you guys think?