
The gunmetal morning sky of Dromund Kaas loomed over the parade square. Unheard since eons passed was the cheerful bugle of the world's tropical birds as they dredged up instincts from a time before the Dark Side held such a vice grip on their home. They soared as black splotches above the newest legion of the crusade's Jedi, who stood unmoving against the backdrop of the parade square.

Upon a dais above them stood a gaggle of crusaders and priests itching to get the ceremony underway. No doubt it was where many a Sith Lord had stood addressing his own armies, and their mere presence on the Sith planet was a testament to the strength of their mission. Geiseric watched the newest crusaders proudly. The crusade had come such a long way, but they had another long way still to go before the Great Hyperspace War was over and the Sith were really, truly defeated. The challenge they faced in the Brotherhood of the Maw made taking Dromund Kaas seem comparatively small to Geiseric.

"Master Geiseric, are they ready?" he turned to see the cardinal in his red bejeweled habits that signified his importance to the cause.

"Yes, Father. I believe they await you." Geiseric stepped aside and bowed, taking his position at the cardinal's side after he stepped up to the edge of the platform.

"Children of Ashla!" the cardinal bellowed across the now silent square, "you are gathered her on this day in preparation for the future. For you, the soldiers of the crusade, are our future! We face an enemy that does not relent, that gives no quarter to its victims. You have sworn yourselves to face the ancient enemy of the Jedi Order. Those who live by our code, be granted purity in life and salvation in death."

Geiseric folded his hands in preparation for the reciting of the code. The Ashlan Jedi Code was to them like a prayer, one that had been burned into the hearts of these young crusaders. They all knew it's comforting words, some perhaps knew it better than they did the code taught by the New Jedi Order.

The cardinals' words were repeated back to him in symphonic unity, hundreds of individual voices delivering one prayer, one code:

"There is no fear;
There is courage."

The Jedi stand on the edge of the abyss. They were and always had been the galaxy's first line of the defense. A readied shield and burning blade that did not waver at the sight of the encroaching void. The Dark Side lives off of fear, but a strong jedi starves it, denies it power, and triumphs over it.

"There is no doubt;
There is faith."

Doubt, lies and deception... tools of the Sith. So many that stood before Geiseric had lived under the thumb of the Sith Empire, toiling to survive its wroth. Its end was a day few could have imagined in their youths, but here they were. They were free, their resilience rewarded. They have only to look inside themselves, into their hardened minds, bodies, and spirits, to know that the Force is with them.

"There is no surrender;
There is duty."

A Jedi is not born the same as others, but is rather called to arms by the powers that be. The Force is a blessing, but a responsibility. That is why the Jedi are raised from birth by The Order, to foster the Light within them. Their calling is of utmost importance to the Galaxy. Geiseric knew in these ranks that not many were raised from birth by the order. That was a rare luxury in the age of chaos. The classroom had become the battlefield. The safety of temple walls no longer a reality, but still these men and women trained with rigor and served with the same devotion as all Jedi. Behind the masks of the rank and file were so many Force Sensitives abused by the Dark Side, who knew what surrender, what feeling small, felt like.

"There is no darkness;
There is The Light."

It was the Ashlan belief that the Dark Side, the Bogan was not natural. The darkness, merely a cancer, could not be cured. It had to be cut out by those who say what it truly was, by the defenders of the light. That was the promise of the Ashlan Crusade. Soon these knights would join the struggle and walking in Ashla's infinite light...