4th Squadron, 4th Fleet
The Red Javelin
"4th of the 4th"
General Summary
Under the command of Captain Chūichi Haasa, the squadron is a mild break from traditional structure of the Galactic Empire in that it does not center itself around any class of star destroyer or carrier. Instead its designed after a more "MIN-MAX" minded doctrine of naval warfare: a squadron composed of cruisers, frigates, and other light vessels intended to allow the squadron to be faster and more maneuverable than its typical counter-parts.
Squadron Composition
- Total Squadron Composition
○ - Overall CO: Chūichi Haasa, Captain
â—‹ - Total Hulls:
â—‹ - Total Hulls:
- â—‹ - 2x Escort-cruisers
- â—‹ - 1x Heavy cruiser
- â—‹ - 3x Frigates
- â—‹ - 2x Corvettes
- â—‹ - 1x Heavy cruiser
- â—‹ - 3x Frigates
- â—‹ - 2x Corvettes
â—‹ - Total Support Compliment:
- â—‹ - 1x squadron, Scimitar assault bombers
- â—‹ - 1x squadron, TIE/LN Mark IV starfighters
- â—‹ - 2x squadrons, TIE/IN Mark IV starfighters
- â—‹ - 2x squadrons, TIE/M starfighters
- â—‹ - 4x Sentinel transport shuttles
- â—‹ - 1x squadron, TIE/LN Mark IV starfighters
- â—‹ - 2x squadrons, TIE/IN Mark IV starfighters
- â—‹ - 2x squadrons, TIE/M starfighters
- â—‹ - 4x Sentinel transport shuttles

â—‹ - INV 'Imperial Diplomacy'
- â—‹ - Vindicator IV-class escort cruiser
- â—‹ - 700 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 700 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 1x squadron, TIE/LN Mark IV starfighters
- â—‹ - Various non-combat and support craft
- â—‹ - Various non-combat and support craft
â—‹ - INV 'Nobleman'
- â—‹ - Vindicator II-class escort cruiser
- â—‹ - 600 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 600 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 1x squadron, Scimitar assault bombers
- â—‹ - 2x squadrons, TIE/IN Mark IV starfighters
- â—‹ - 4x Sentinel transport shuttles
- â—‹ - Various non-combat and support craft
- â—‹ - 2x squadrons, TIE/IN Mark IV starfighters
- â—‹ - 4x Sentinel transport shuttles
- â—‹ - Various non-combat and support craft
â—‹ - INV 'War Maiden'
- â—‹ - Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser
- â—‹ - 600 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 600 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 1x squadron, TIE/M starfighters
â—‹ - INV 'Moonbird'
- â—‹ - Imperial Pilum-class frigate
- â—‹ - 435 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 435 meters, total length
â—‹ - INV 'Picket Runner'
- â—‹ - Tempus-class frigate
- â—‹ - 375 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 375 meters, total length
â—‹ - INV 'Circuit Burner'
- â—‹ - Indictor II-class EWS frigate
- â—‹ - 262 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 262 meters, total length
â—‹ - INV 'Coyote'
- â—‹ - Velox-class corvette-gunship
- â—‹ - 150 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 150 meters, total length
â—‹ - INV 'Fleetfoot'
- â—‹ - Velox-class corvette-gunship
- â—‹ - 150 meters, total length
- â—‹ - 150 meters, total length