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Public Welcome to Flavortown (Chandrila Edition)

Jessa Haran

Old Hannatown Market, Chandrila

"Just wear it, okay?" Jessa said as she held out a hairnet.


"I know, I know. But it'll make people feel better." She proferred the hairnet to her Wookiee Sous Chef, Gran, and gave her a hard-eyed look that said 'we're not gonna argue about it again'

With a resigned groan, the Wookiee complied, putting the hairnet over the top of her head and returned to work setting up the front. Jessa remained in the kitchen -- which was really the cargohold-- and ran through the list one more time in her head. Check, check, check. They'd spent most of the day doing all the prep, now it was almost time to open. Cookie was already heating up the oil, ready to receive the first orders of the night. There were jitters. Of course there were.

Jessa had a lot riding on this.

She walked out of the diner-ship and took everything in. The modifications made to their freighter ship looked great -- it looked legit. There was a food service window that opened, complete with a little awning and a small bar with stools. Gran had also set up some folding tables nearby, they had crates for chairs... but it worked. They were currently docked in what was normally a loading area for the local businesses -- but it was near the main street where the Old Hannatown Market was. Plenty of foot-traffic, at least she hoped so. People would take the chance and wander down just one dark alleyway in order to find a bite to eat... right?

Jessa drew in a breath and activated the holo-menu that displayed on the side of the ship:


The Midnight Express is a diner-ship that travels through-out the galaxy! The exterior is something like this... but a freighter ship, so use your imagination!
Old Hannatown Market, Chandrila
Tags: Jessa Haran

"Bloody hell."

Mr. Nine was strolling down a back alley on Chandrila near the Old Hannatown Market. Unfortunately, he hadn't been having the best of days. The Umbaran had been restocking for an expedition into Wild Space when a group of street thugs jumped him, attempting to make off with his cargo. He fought back, of course, hitting every shot with the ease he always had... Until he found a knife planted in his leg. Nine patched it up, but with a weak leg there was no way he'd be fit for an adventure. Unfortunately, this meant the sharp shooter had only one option... Sightsee. Usually, Mr. Nine found this to be dreadfully boring. Fortunately, the Old Hannatown Market was slightly more engaging than the average settlement, filled with plenty of back alleys to get his blood flowing, and not in the wound way. Still, he was rather upset by his slip up. Frankly, it was embarrassing for an explorer of his skill.

"Blast!" Nine hissed as he winced in pain, limping to a halt. "Shirty bastard got me proper..." Through the pain, he managed to muster a grin. "Showed him. Won't try that again... Hold up."

It was an aroma, and a pleasant one at that. As Nine squinted, gazing down the alleyway, a vessel came into view, complete with service window and holo-projected menu. Somehow, completely by accident. Mr. Nine had found himself at a restaurant of sorts. With a childish grin and a resurgence of energy, the Umbaran hobbled up to the counter.

"Pardon," he began, addressing the woman at the counter, "Are you open?"

Jessa Haran

Jessa watched as Cookie started to fry the first batch of donuts. The little rings of dough sizzled in the golden oil – and they were in good hands, the cooking droid timed every flip perfectly to ensure the perfect fry. As the donuts exited the fryer on the droid's spatula, Jessa worked on prepping the toppings.

Ah, yes.

She almost ate one right then and there. But she chided herself, these were for the customers. Well, if there were any customers. Who knew, at the end of the night she might well be stuffing her face with all the donuts they failed to sell. Now that thought was just depressing (but it'd go well with a dark cup of caf, alright).

"How're the nerfburgers coming, Gran?" She called over to the Wookiee.


"Good," Jessa nodded, smiling.

But that smile faded slightly when she spotted a shadowed form hobbling towards the ship. It might have been the limp of an eccentric, but as she continued to watch it became evident that it was the limp of an injured man. But if this injured man wanted food, then she could help.

"We are indeed," she said, leaning out the window slightly. "What'll it be?"

Toby Russen Toby Russen
Old Hannatown Market, Chandrila
Tags: Jessa Haran

"Brilliant," Nine responded with a grin. "I am starving."

Mr. Nine scanned the menu to find something immediately catch his eyes; The Nerfburger. Nine had very few addictions, but a finely grilled patty slapped between two oversized pieces of bread was certainly one of them.

"I'll do the Nerfburger and the wedges," he quickly concluded. "Medium rare if ya don't mind."

In that moment, the Umbaran seemed to completely forget that he was injured. There was certainly a childish nature about him, even though he was clearly over eighteen (in spite of his youthful appearance). To most, it would be very unusual behavior for someone who had just been stabbed only minutes ago. His attention quickly drifted to the vessel.

"This ain't bog-standard, is it?" Nine remarked. "I never woulda thought to put a restaurant in a ship. How'd ya think it up?"

Jessa Haran

"Good choice," Jessa said, with a nod, then turned to holler of her shoulder. "One burger and wedges!"

A Wookiee call echoed from within the kitchen to confirm the order.

Jessa's eyes narrowed ever slightly as she observed her first customer here on Chandrila. He was certainty something of an oddity. But she withheld any judgements; it wasn't her place. Now that his order was in, he seemed to be rather pre-occupied with her ship.

"You could say that," she said. "Well, I always wanted to open up my own place. But I also wanted to travel. Boom. Mobile restaurant." Jessa couldn't help but smile. Not saying she was brilliant, but she felt pretty good about her decision.

As her eyes shifted to the young man's leg, she couldn't help but comment. "Are you, uh, sure you're… okay?" Jessa gestured vaguely towards the blood that was seeping through his pantleg. That would explain the limp. "I mean, I got a basic med kit if you're in need."

Toby Russen Toby Russen
Old Hannatown Market, Chandrila
Tags: Jessa Haran

"Are you, uh, sure you're… okay?"

"Huh?" Nine began with a frown, seemingly forgetting about the wound entirely. "Oh, that thing? I'll be fine. It's just a flesh wound. Pretty common in a profession like mine. Still, never figured the most dangerous would be a city. Dunno why I thought that. I was born in Galactic City. Guess I just wasn't expectin' it from this of all places. Kinda mental."

Mr. Nine frowned, scratching the bridge of his nose. It was strange how he had gotten the wound, especially given his track record of unusually good luck.

"This is right embarrassing, it is," the Umbaran continued with a laugh, readjusting his large hat. "I'm usually pretty good at keepin' myself together. Guess my luck slipped away for a glass while I wasn't payin' attention."
John had just finished a hard day's work. Sweat dribbled down his cheeks. His blue jeans and overalls were moist and scuffed with dust. He was tired. Out of breath. Exhausted. What he needed was a good burger and fries. How convenient then for this establishment to be here.

He walked up to the window or counter.
"I'll have the pot pie and the salad and the blue milkshake and 10 donuts," he said to Jessa.
The Sith Acolyte licked his lips and turned to Nine.
"I'm a Sith, just so ya know."

Jessa Haran
Toby Russen Toby Russen

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