Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S


Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris


The staff originally asked for a summary, evaluation and result similar to what they wrote for Tython. I hope they will forgive me for saying that it won't be exactly the same. Among other things, since there were no defenders during Annihilation and technically everyone was on the offensive side OOC, IC this is not true. IC in space, EE and allies were the attacking party, the Maw was the defending party. However, on the planet, the EE and allies were the defenders, and the Maw were the attackers.

I'm not a site staff, so I won't (and I don't want) highlight anyone by name, who was a decisive player, who was negative. I prefer to write my own opinion. And according to him, everyone who participated and wrote during Annihilation performed exceptionally well and wrote above-average posts. Long, voluminous and great posts. All of which were an experience to read.


This Annihilation was nowhere near as big as Tython or Csilla, it was more like Korriban was. Although warposting / fleeting issued the majority of posts on Korriban, this was not true here. On this Annihilation, they had a small role. The emphasis was more on telling personal dramas and stories. Almost every duel had a much deeper meaning than just being a duel and that's it. There were several couples who faced the shadows of the past, others continued their old stories, or new, longer-term conflicts arose.

The story had three main locations, the Devourer, the jungle, and the ruins of the capital.

The first location was the ruins of the capital, at the remains of the spaceport, where part of the local population tried to escape from the planet. Half of the Mandalorian players of the Eternal Empire were active here, as many of them have family ties to the planet. Everyone knows how important family is to the Mandalorians, so for them this was more than just an evacuation. It had a much deeper meaning. They tried to evacuate and the Maw tried to prevent it, and it turned into a bloody fight. In the meantime, the Maw also tried to destroy this place from space.

Eventually, the evacuation fleet was able to leave the atmosphere and countless refugees were able to leave the planet alive, including with the support of the Eternal Imperial fleet, but among others, Adenn Kyramud, alor of Clan Mortui, died on the planet before the ritual ended.

In the jungle, on the one hand, the base was defended by the allied forces and the Superweapon of the Eternal Empire. Mainly mercenaries of the Empire, Eternal Empire and Helios Corporation who work for the Eternal Empire clashed with the Maw forces, represented as usual by the Scar Hounds Tribe. They even had to deal with the past of the current warlord, as countless things returned to Realspace through the huge Netherworld rift on the planet, both enemy and friend.

This was perhaps the first time when the Dark Three, the three avatars, War, Death and Rebirth were really responding to the pleas of the faithful and the Heathen Priests on the planet brought an army from the Netherworld to help the Maw here and hereafter. Perhaps one of the most horrific mutilated souls one will ever see.

This fight was very even, neither side could rise above the other, and the fights ended when the ritual's effect reached the planet.

On the Devourer, the arriving Eternal Empire and allies knew nothing of what was being prepared here, of the ritual on board. They came to free a Mandalorian prisoner (who was a PC). This was a diversion on the part of the Maw, because while the allies were trying to rescue the prisoner, most of them were not Force Users, so they could not sense anything from the ritual, which the members of the Wardens of the Shroud (EE FU group) tried to stop. The main story was a rematch between Kyrel and Ingrid, which was ultimately lost by the Eternal Empress.

It was a battle of the mind, but when someone gets stabbed in the chest with a lightsaber during a battle like this, that battle is hard to win. According to other stories and posts, the ritualists suffered losses because Rath also killed countless ritualists. At the end of it all, Kyrel finally used the Eternal Empress as extra energy and the ritual ended.

It was the first use of a superweapon that was Kyrel Ren himself, Wrath of the Maw destroyed everything on the planet, Valkyrja / Children of Ashla partially protected the Eternal Empire and its allies' lives at Ashla's command, as the Heathen Priests did to the Maw with its units; since this time the Dark Three wanted them alive. Thus, the story had a very strong religious line from both sides.

The ritual destroyed the Nexus on the planet, which was the planet itself, rendering it lifeless, leaving only those who were protected by different powers, stay alive. However, the huge rift did not stop, in fact, it had already extended from the planet into space and would have continued to spread. One of the STRATCOM's Overseer in the space around the planet also continuously received data about them, and she (Trinity Harris) gave the order to use EE's superweapon, which was launched on the planet (Laertia Io's multi character) by one of the officers. After all, the Eternal Empress was unavailable due to her own struggle, and by the time the ritual was completed she was neither alive nor dead, she was stuck between these two states, and after the battle, Kyrel took her with him.

The Eternal Empire waited until the last moment to use the Superweapon, hoping that they could protect and save the planet. But the Maw eventually forced them to use and destroy the planet. If they hadn't, the massive Netherworld rift would probably have spread throughout the entire Unknown Region and endangered the lives of billions or more living beings.

Throughout the story, the Eternal Empire did what is one of the empire's mottos:

The Jedi do what is right. The Sith do what they want. We do what is necessary.​

Today, it was the destruction of Panatha in order to keep others alive. True, the world was already dead by now, so this was nothing more than a Coup de Grâce.


Final Result: Panatha is destroyed.

I don't want to highlight any one story because I think everyone equally deserves praise for great stories and writing. We have seen countless very deep and great dramas, which in the absence of warposting and actual duels (only for PvP, without story) had a much greater role and depth. This place was a personal place for most of the participants and not only through the fact that the person was Sith or Jedi. Over the past year, many stories have been linked here, and Panatha has always been central to the site's history through the Zambrano family.

During an Annihilation where no drama can be mentioned and the cooperation between factions was also great. The story concluded a nearly year-long series and opened up the possibility for new stories.

Thanks again to everyone for participating, everyone was great and awesome! <3

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