Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress TheCaptain's WIPs


The Unaccountable, The Unknown Variable​
  • Manufacturer: Haor Chall Engineering Corporation
  • Affiliation: Brehg Sha
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Sheathipede-Class Transport Shuttle
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.' If this submission uses materials not found on wookieepedia, please link. You may also be asked to link materials that are obscure or difficult to find, e.g. exist as a byline in wikia entry)
  • Classification: Shuttle
  • Length: 14.4 meters
  • Width: 9.2 meters
  • Height: 12.1 meters
  • Armament: (You may provide your armament in list format and must provide your vessel an Armament Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Armament Ratings are scaled in relation to the class of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer.Armament Ratings provide only basic weaponry (ex. turbolasers, ion cannons, concussion missiles. laser cannons, etc) unless the ship also has a description of weapons. Please link to all Factory subs used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology)
  • Defenses: (You may provide your shield and armor systems in list format and must provide your vessel a Defense Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Where None is a man in a space suit hanging on to an engine, Average is typical defense, and Extreme is heaviest defense with heavy armor plating and multiple layers of powerful shields. Defensive Ratings are scaled in relation to the type of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer. You should list particular systems under advanced systems. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Approved Technology)
  • Squadron Count: None (1)
  • Maneuverability Rating: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. How agile is your ship? Can it take tight turns? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Maneuverability will be more agile than a Star Destroyer with a Low rating.
  • Speed Rating: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. How fast is your ship in normal space? How fast can it take off, how fast can it speed through a planet's atmosphere? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Speed will be quicker than a Star Destroyer with a Low Speed.)
  • Hyperdrive: (Does this ship have a hyperdrive? If this ship has a hyperdrive how fast is it? The lower the number, the faster the ship is, you may choose decimals. Any speed below 1.0 requires the hyperdrive to be added to the ship’s strengths and accordingly balanced with weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)
  • (Provide all of your submission's standard features, including non-combat items, here in a list -or- alternatively simply state 'all standard features'. This includes all features that are common for vessels of this class. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • (Provide all of your submission's advanced systems, including non-combat items and special weapons, here in a list. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Stealth technology and other advanced systems may require other weaknesses or reduced ratings for balance. Ensure significant capabilities from systems are included in the Strengths and Weaknesses lists. Examples include: Stealth systems, Advanced ECM systems, Crystal gravfield traps, HIMS, Molecular shields. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology, Shields, Engines)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
(Describe some of the history behind the submission. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)


Exterior Location
The Venturer's Club​
  • Structure Name: The Venturer's Club
  • Classification: Nightclub (Bar, Casino, Cabaret)
  • Location: Abregada-rae Spaceport, Abregado-rae
  • Affiliation: Hutsok Sha
  • Accessibility: The club itself and its many common areas are easily accessible to the public, as the club is built on a well-used street and canal of Abregado-rae Spaceport. The seedier aspects of the club are designed for paying members only and well guarded from prying eyes.
  • Description: A swanky canal-side nightclub located between the spaceport and the historic Old Patch quarter of the city that serves as a den of entertainment and refreshment. The club covers a broad range of potential clients, locals and spacers, rich and poor, public and private enterprise, as well as providing a wide range of services ranging in legality.
  • The Foyer: Offering both convenient street and canal-side access, the foyer of the Venturer's Club is a spacious and ostentatiously decorated front room featuring a fully-stocked central bar and kitchenette from which to order refreshments. The bar opens up to both the foyer and the cabaret floor for customer convenience and features two hand-carved statuettes of Neimoidian Pylats.
  • The Cabaret Floor: The first floor is devoted largely to a large performing stage at the back of the club which hosts all manner of live entertainment for clubgoers. Occassionally, the central tables will be cleared to create a makeshift dancefloor for the patrons for special events and performances. The large, open central hall of the club also offers those on the upper floors a view of the stage.
  • The Gambling Hall: The second floor is devoted to more private forms of entertainment in the form of gambling tables, ranging from sabaac, to dejarik, to billiards. Food and drink can be brought from either the first or third floor bars, and a smoking lounge is also provided.
  • The Top-Shelf Bar: A nickname given to small third floor area of the club which features its own, separate bar and kitchenette area. The Top-Shelf offers a degree of free privacy to those patrons who cannot afford the private members-only lounges on the first floor.
  • The Roof: Available via club membership (and bribery), the rooftop offers excellent views of the historic Old Patch of Abregado-rae Spaceport, the charming local canals, and the distant ports of the city, both space and nautical.
  • The Private Lounges: Located on the first floor, this special VIP section is available only via reservation to paying members of the club and provides a location for private parties and business arrangements, as well as less socially accepted forms of entertainment. The lounge area itself can be walled off from the rest of the club for privacy and each individual lounge room offers a variety of security measures to ensure patrons are not disturbed or spied on. At least, not by anyone who isn't on the staff...
  • The Backroom: The private office of __ is located directly at the back of the lounge area and is the most private, well-guarded location in the entire club. This literal smoke-filled backroom allows __ to meet her patrons in total confidence and manage the comings and goings of the club. In addition to being lavishly appointed and well stocked, it also features a concealed passage to the cellar behind a large portrait.
  • The Cellar: Officially the cellar is primarily a place for storage, housing the reserves of refreshments and food for the upstairs club as well as other supplies needed in the day-to-day running of the club. Unofficially, it also features a hidden two-way tunnel that runs under the canals and toward a private hangar in the local spaceport, which serves as both an inlet for contraband and a potential escape route.

[ Provide a Security Rating (choose from: None, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and any specific security assets in list format. What defenses does this location have, including internal and perimeter defenses? Please note that the rating is relative to the type of location this is. Normal civilian structures have a different scope in security, compared to military bases. As such a civilian structure with a Maximum security rating is not on the same level as a military base with a Maximum rating. A civilian structure with a Maximum rating could be the seat of a planetary government, or the headquarters of an inter-galactic corporation. Private security, alarms, perhaps even a defensive shield, but they should not have entire armies within or enough armament to destroy a fleet above. Please link rare or uncommon tech/equipment to the SW wiki article or Factory-approved submission. Common canon items do not need to be linked. ]

[ Include a description on the structure's history here. Detail how it came to be created and why. Talk about the people involved in this structure's history and what role it played and still plays. For historical structures, if you so desire, you can include historical events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]
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HeightHow tall is your character? (metric required)
WeightHow much does your character weigh? (metric required)
Force SensitiveN/A

What does your character look like? Do they have any distinguishing features, a certain style of clothing, or anything else which might be noticed?

How does your character act? How do they think? Do they have any deeply held beliefs or phobias?

  • Seasoned Hunter

  • Big Target

Thog was born to the Oltu herd on the Ithorian homeworld of Ithor, or rather above it on one of the many herdships orbiting the planet. The Oltu family had a tradition as conservationists specializing in the many rare and exotic animals of the jungle. Thog took to the work well, but not the philosophy, and after growing bored in his role took to helping poachers instead of stopping them. After being found out, Thog went on the run as a freelance big game hunter, ironically using the skills he developed as a conservationist.

Thog is, above all, a master hunter, trained in the arts of identifying, tracking, trapping, and especially killing beasts of all kinds. He's also an expert survivalist with an extensive knowledge of how to thrive in different environments. Combined, these skills make Thog a nightmare to deal with in any natural environment, and his skills with slugthrowers, knives, and traps work just as well on sapient prey.

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What is your character's backstory? What are their origins? What did they do before they started being RP'ed? Feel free to edit this later to recount their further adventures.

Please list all relevant possessions, factory submissions, and codex submissions here.

Please list all relevant possessions, factory submissions, and codex submissions here.
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