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Skirmish The Price of the Alliance | EE & MU | OOC

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

In recent months, the Mandalorian Union has settled its ranks and strengthened again. In the eyes of others, the Eternal Empire was weakened because the emperor, Darth Tacitus, had disappeared. Is this true? Well, it was not possible to know, but what is certain is that the two factions, even if not obvious to most, are connected in many places. Not exactly in a friendly way.

EE and TSE are allies again, there are quite a few Mandalorians among the members of the Eclipse Rebellion who are also offended by the existence of EE. Last but not least, the TSE attacked the SJC, of which the Mandalorians are also allies. And the Mandos thought that if the TSE was too big a wall for them, they would strike where it hurt the TSE. And this was none other than the Eternal Empire, who thus became the target.

The Eternal Empire supported the TSE war against the SCJ, so MU (perhaps the other Mandalorian) and Eclipse Rebellion teamed up to deal a blow to the Eternal Empire. Exactly to one of the larger shipyards, which was located just around Kalidan…


The skirmish will start on October 15 or 16 after the Rebellion and 2 TSE-SCJ invasions. Due to the situation, the two factions are also happy to see the allies of EE and MU if they would come to help either side in this situation. There will also be space battles and ground (space station/shipyard).

If anyone were to come, EE’s combat position could be a bit misleading due to the plot centricity, with Eclipse Rebellion on the MU side in the battles against the Loyalists and Black Sun. The situation of the Smugglers Alliance is questionable for the time being, they are free to decide which side they want to fight on.

Basically EE and MU skirmish, but any TSE and other Mandalorian (or ally) can come if they wish.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or discord.
Alright so I do plan on being here but I have three potential characters for use. And I want to decide based on who prefers to rp with them:

Shavara: Shapeshifting biologist/alchemist. Young, but very strong in the force, she isn't the most experienced combatant but her alchemic items work very well against other force users. Some Past rp's have somtimes involved her biology and medical knowledge as opposed to her force abilities. She would be with the Eclipse Rebellion (Against the Eternal Empire). She probably would also be going by the Name Sar Vun and wearing a mask to hide who she really is, as it isn't public knowledge that Shavara is on the side of the Rebellion.

Kovhorn Kovhorn Mandalorian. He's armored like a tank and tends to carry heavy weapons when he's not on his stealth ship. He utterly hates the sith empire, and as the Eternal Empire is an ally of them he has absolutely zero hesitation going to war against them. Having had issues in the past with force users (force lightning) he may call on these mandalarms-companion but if need be we can discuss why he doesn't have them, or you can figure out how to disable them in RP. Naturally he'd be on the side of the mandalorians.

Rezom: A sith apprentice. Of all the ones I mention, he's a skilled soldier but is still getting used to using the force and only has the basic skills so far. Some of the abilities he had before becoming an apprentice transferred over well such as awareness and melee skill which he worked on adapting to two lightsabers, He often starts off using a long range slughtrower. He won't be super talkative though, galactic basic isn't a language he's gotten super good with yet. He'd be fighting on the side of the Eternal Empire.
Jerrick Shado Tanjo?

Anyway possibly. I could potentially have a character on either side (not gonna try and do two at once). A mandalorian and Shavara are options for the side of the Mando's, and for the side of the Empire I have a Kaleesh Sith apprentice (he starts battles often using a slugthrower, not his sabres).

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