Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Anubian Experience


Rolling dunes and dusty rock faces comprised the landscape immediately surrounding the metropolis of Tairos. Over time, the Anubians made this barren landscape their own with towering and monumental pyramids. Some were bigger than others, with the biggest belonging to the Pharaoh himself and the smallest to the poorer noble families.

Osiris' was the second biggest.

It didn't just belong to him, but his extended noble family. They numbered forty two in total and all possessed substantial wealth. However, Osiris was the head of his house and the top of his pyramid. He would be buried within its inner mausoleum one day and until then, enjoyed the most lavish lifestyle of all within its four walls.

Currently, he was perched at the end of a massive, marble, dining table. Its legs were sheathed in shining, golden, metal and its surface was polished to perfection. Osiris himself sat upon an obsidian chair that had more in common with a throne than a chair.

There, in the grand and illustrious dining room, he waited. Someone was coming. Someone powerful. His visitor, should he decide to show up at the front door, would be greeted and escorted by four Anubian guardsmen. They were clad in ornate, golden, armour and brandished huge vibrostaffs that were menacing in appearance. They were also under strict orders not to talk, only to escort and keep their visitor on the correct path.

Depending on how the impending meeting went, Osiris would go to sleep that night with either a new friend or a new enemy.

Only time could tell...

Tales of a new power looming the galaxy brought Mythos' attention to a world that few knew of and even fewer spoke about in public. Legends were being formed of a race of beings whose very anatomy made them look terrifying to those who beheld them, they were called Anubians if the stories were true. Mythos had gone through a very extensive and frustrating dig through his old war contacts to find information about the place, he came up empty most of the times but with every clue and paresct of the galaxy he scoured Mythos found new leads to a contact inside the planet and who knew of the people. When he finally got his hands on a text and datapad of the Anubian history and records he could barely contain his excitement for the expedition. Upon begining his research he found that their language and writing was unlike anything in the galaxy, the intricate symbols made deciphering the language nearly impossible without a scribe droid and even the protocol droids of the Yavin wars with over one billion languages in their data systems could not understand, decipher or even manage to speak it. It was a mystery a former Archaeologist and scholar could appreciate.

It was then, upon digging deeper into the lore and history of the Anubians for the seventh week in a row Mythos received a coded invitation. That language... it was them. The his eyes narrowed at the message on the screen and the thought of it being a trap did indeed cross his mind but even if it was Mythos knew the risk was worth the reward... Being the first outsider allowed entrance into Ankhypt.

Without so much as a word to anyone in Midvinter expect Narfi and five of his men he took his ship and flew in formation with his men of the Jar'Kai to the location the message had for him. The jump to hyperspace after checking out with proper clearance and IDF tags for the Silver Sanctum Coalition lead him into the orbit of the desert planet.

"Papa specter to left and right wings... we are approaching planetary orbit, engage gravitational thrusters and prepare to enter surface atmosphere" His voice always sounded different in the intercoms he thought, much more professional and delicate. The planet opened up like the holograms on the One Sith capital, Mythos noticed that he had not been hailed by air patrol or contacted through coms even though he had them open... there could only be one explanation for that. He was expected ....

When he reached the designated landing platform, Groom, his Tukata Sith Hound, a five hundred and fifty pound beast from Korriban he had nurtured since he was a puppy followed him out of his fighter. The beast rushed past Mythos straight into the sands, the climate was much like Korriban and his hound, always homesick rushed headlong into the dunes off to the sides burying itself inside the golden sands. Mythos' eyes were elsewhere, the Pyramids and the massive structures that would make even the most veteran archaeologist quiver in his boots. It was clear that their technology was different and perhaps even more advanced than the rest of the galaxy.

It took a few yards but he arrived at the front entrance of where he was lead to go, a massive pyramid only rivaled by one more within sight distance and it was here Mythos saw the very first Anubians... warriors. His men at his sides tensed, eyes narrowed always expecting a fight even in times of peace and travel.

"Hail" He said, in his best interpretation of Anubian which was broken and shady at best. Their response was silence and stares from the abyss itself beneath their armor. He figured maybe he had said something incorrectly so he tried common instead but he stood powerfully, as a former king that he was and kicked back his terentatek hide cloak that hid his face and let his golden hair fall back. His eyes fearlessly searched the warriors and his chin lifted in pride as his weapons dangled from their holsters slightly visible. "I am Mythos, i have come seeking wisdom and to gaze upon the Anubian world with my own two eyes"

Again... he was met with silence, yet the warriors opened a space between their ranks as a gesture for Mythos to follow. He nodded once, he understood, this protocol was common among many species including the huts. He stepped to follow but his men also followed in toe, to which, the warrior guards reacted to with crossed weapons. His captain, Lee Shinto looked at Mythos from beneath his shades dubiously. "I don't like this My lord..."

Mythos held up his palm and smiled reassuringly. "If they wanted me or us dead we would be by now... " His Tukata however was already on his leg following closely, yet to him the Anubian warriors showed no hostility to. "I'll be fine, scout out the place... see if you can find anything interesting... I will meet the owner of this place by the looks of it. I got my coms on, radio silence unless i break it understood?"

Lee nodded, taking the men out where they came and back to the landing station. It would be an interesting adventure if nothing else.



Tradition dictated all visitors were to be held under close scrutiny during their stay and Mythos' party were no exception. As the man and his giant hound entered the monumental pyramid, a squad of eight guardsmen marched out into the scorching sun. The reflection of the midday sun glinted off their ceremonial armour in a dazzling lightshow as the Anubians made their way through the course sand towards the landing pad Mythos' party had landed on. They surrounded the landing pad in an evenly spaced formation and uniformly fell into an attentive stance. There, they remained; still as statues. It was glaringly apparent that Mythos' party were not allowed to wander freely either.

Within the pyramid, the four guardsmen lead the guest and his gigantic hound through the many elaborate hallways. Hieroglyphs adorned the walls, depicting the story of Osiris' family's rise to greatness. Every notable member of the family had their own caricature, engraved onto a sheet of golden, precious, metal that was embedded directly into the sandstone wall and encrusted with rare jewels. Then, their life story followed. Painted on with careful precision onto impressive masonry, the symbols and images somehow conveyed complex stories and vivid poetry.

The whole pyramid was a culture bomb, and an enormous one at that.

Eventually, the guards would lead the guest and his pet to the main dining chamber. Upon seeing them, Osiris rose out of his chair and dismissed the servant who'd been fanning him with a dismissive wave of his hand. He moved to the side of the massive, marble, dining table but made no further movements. His guardsmen would bring the guest to him.

If the dining room was big to Osiris, it must have been gargantuan to the 5'9" visitor. Anticipating that his guest would be of average human size, Osiris had a chair specifically made out of rare Khar'tem wood for Mythos. Khar'tem wood was native to Ankhypt and one could only find it in pocketed oases dotted around the equator, making it exceedingly rare. It was polished perfectly and varnished in an oil that cost more per liter than Duinuogwuin blood. Asides from that, it was rather plain, especially when compared with the rest of the dining room.

When Mythos finally stood before Osiris, surrounded on all sides by the four guardsmen, there was a long pause. Osiris regarded the man before him and studied every aspect of his being in great detail. From the sand grains lodged in the ripples of his clothing to the scars on his hand and face. It may have been uneasy for the human visitor, but to Osiris it was customary. Normal. He also afforded the hound a passing gaze, which was more to acknowledge its existence more than anything else.

Satisfied, the Anubian Noble raised a clenched fist to his own chest and bowed his head slightly.

"Greetings, Animus, son of Daeus," he began, in almost perfect galactic basic. He then dismissed the four guards with a single wave of his hand and a guttural utterance in Ankhyptian, which Mythos may or may not have understood as, 'Leave us.'

"I am Osiris, son of Anukh," he continued, his voice inhumanely deep and his accent peculiar but easily understandable. "This is my pyramid... You are the first outsider to set foot within these walls since the kingdoms of old. Do not make me regret my decision to allow you this opportunity."

During this entire exchange, Osiris did not break eye contact with the visitor. His orange, canine, eyes were fixated on Mythos'; the look a wolf gave to competitors when encroaching on a fresh kill. However, the Anubian was not being aggressive or inhospitable. In fact, his demeanor was regarded as the epitome of politeness in Anubian society.

"You may take a seat and we may talk," he declared, gesturing to the seat described earlier. He waited until Mythos either sat or refused his offer before sitting himself, back in the grand chair at the head of the table.

It was the dream of every explorer and archaeologist in the galaxy. The place he walked through was in itself a story of history and of a singular family of which the owner of the palace was the final and ultimate incarnation of their greatness. If allowed Mythos could spend days studying the walls he walked upon to have the detailed history of the pyramid, their ancestors, the story they had to be told but he kept the pace with the silent guardsmen who escorted him. Lee, his captain called him on the comms to inform that not only were they not allowed to roam free but they were surrounded at all sides by warriors statues twice their size yet Mythos, out of sheer amazement, could not bring his eyes to part from the very walls that sorrounded him. His jaw stood open through the entirety of the walk.

When he reached the dining hall Mythos was found face to face with a table made of marble the size of which he had never even imagined possible. First thoughts through his mind were the structure of it, the cut and slab of the stone seemingly flawless and made by machinery but upon closer inspection he determined, as he suspected... that it was made by hand. When he peeled his eyes off the table he was met face to face with the owner of the palace he inhabited. It was sight that struck both awe and a tinge of fear creep up his spine. The being was massive, almost twice the size of Mythos and the armor he donned looked both majestic... and to the eyes of a honed warrior like Mythos, perfectly practical.

When they approached there was a palpable tension yet Mythos was too focused on the look of the being before him he did not notice or give attention to fear. The embroidery on the tunic,the sand that blew in the air and the very walls around him were everything he had hoped to find and even more. The voice of Osiris broke the silence and for the first time in almost twenty years Mythos heard his fathers name. Eyes narrowed at that, it threw him a bit off that his fathers name was said before his... it was a past that he kept to himself most of the time. Yet in context Mythos bowed after Osiris in respect, a gesture of two rulers to sit down before the massive table.... but before was Osiris' warning. Mythos nodded, it confirmed to him that his suspicions of him being the first outsider in the world even though he had seen cathars in depictions as slaves or servants.

It was only after smiling to himself and passing his hands through the fine wood he sat on to truly appreciate the craftsmanship of the chair that Mythos spoke. "I am... profoundly grateful for the opportunity to walk in Ankhypt and to be in your presence mighty Osiris" His eyes darted before, appreciating everything and making mental notes of small details but now his brown eyes stuck to the eyes of Osiris with equal pride and dignity as a former king. "I have so many questions but before i ask any, your culture and your palace is unlike anything i have ever seen... i have traveled the galaxy from point to point and visited a hundred worlds yet none resemble Ankypht in the slightest..." His words dripped with the art of diplomacy yet also with pure honesty.

Mythos produced a small box carefully and slowly as to not alarm Osiris with the suspicion of malice or foul play. "I bring a gift" He said, sliding the ornate Atrisian style box forward gently, inside was a lightsaber Mythos had taken from [member="Tulkas"] almost five years ago today, blue and aided him in many a battle against the hosts of enemies he faced. "It is the weapon of a Jedi, a lightsaber of an unknown jedi master that has saved my life in more than one battle, it is my gift to you for allowing me to gaze upon Ankhypt"


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