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Private Taris Enclave: Cultural Preservation

universe entire with-you

As the two Jedi walked through Olaris Spaceport, Efret adjusted the empty duffle bag's strap on her shoulder before beginning to sign.

"Thank you again for coming with me."

If Cora had been counting the times Efret had expressed her gratitude since the two had left Coruscant, she would now have reached half a dozen.

"Ever since I was knighted, I have been used to going about my business alone, but, given the location and circumstances, I thought that I'd better learn to play with others." Efret winked at Cora, suggesting that that had been a joke even though the tone of voice coming from her lapel translation unit did not do the same.

"The Jedi outpost here I told you about is very, very small. It is simply a museum, but rather than one only accessible to other Jedi, it is open to any citizen of the Galactic Alliance. Not that I was the only one responsible for such inclusion, but I don't believe in privileged knowledge—for the most part. I think that through sharing Jedi history with the populations we protect our bonds are strengthened."

Trust flourished most in truth. The alternative was skepticism born of secrecy which could likewise beget conspiracy. In fact, it too often did; more and more, Efret found herself on assignment to try and calm down a group of people which had, with an overactive imagination, convinced themselves that such a theory was based on reason when it was nothing of the sort.

"We're here for my collection of artifacts—mostly holoscans with a handful of physical objects from Taris itself—as well as the staff members, all of whom would like to return to Coruscant. First, Knight Braji is a Jedi Researcher and the main analyst of the scans. Well, after me, of course. He works with his padawan, Miona. Both of them will likely go into hiding. Next, Curator Kene and Instructor Olphen who teach lessons regularly, which I am told have very good average turnouts. There are also two protocol droids on staff." She glanced over at Cora, almost apologetic. "I feel badly. I don't remember their names."

Outfit + equipment; lapel translation clip (currently switched on); lightsaber (green blade color)

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
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"Please, Master Farr. This is my pleasure."

Cora took care to speak smooth and even, aware that Efret was adept at lip reading. With hands clasped behind her back, she nodded along with the archaeologist as they made their way through the spaceport.

In all of her travels with the Jedi, Cora had yet to encounter someone of Efret's type. Her communication was startlingly natural - that thought came from the sheltered noble in Cora - and her expressions made the modulated tone of her translator seem less bland.

"I've never heard of a Jedi outpost being a museum." The blonde mused quietly. "Much less one that's open to the public. I hope it's helped to demystify us, if only a little."

It wasn't that long ago where Cora did believe in privileged knowledge. Nobles had their place in society, and so did commoners. The general populace didn't need to know anymore than they were told for their own protection. After spending time with the Jedi, her perspective had shifted.

Embarrassed, Cora kept that thought to herself. She offered Efret a faint smile.

"If only I'd known sooner, I would've liked to have attended some of their lectures."

Between the refugee crisis on Ukatis and various skirmishes with the Imperials and Sith, little time was left for classroom learning.

"It's unfortunate that we need to move the artifacts from their home - but I'm glad that we've enough forewarning to do so. After this war ends, I'll help you bring them back, if that is what you wish."

Efret Farr Efret Farr
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universe entire with-you

"I appreciate the offer. I'll probably take you up on it."

Efret hadn't spoken about the future herself for a reason, but not because she didn't believe it would come in a general sense. This war would end, somewhere and someday, like all war before it had and all wars after it had. She herself had already lived through the violent lifespan of many, some she knew of and others she didn't. No, she knew peace would come to the Galactic Alliance once more like a lover who couldn't stay away, hard as they might try. However, was that reunion waiting for these two women personally?

Hopefully it was for Corazona.

Of course, it would be preferable if it was for Efret as well, but the master did not want to presume so happening. The colloquial concepts of fate and coincidence did not exist in Efret's understanding of the Force. Its way was not preordained nor random. Rather, it was an alternative even harder to predict. For that reason alone, she thought it was better not to plan for a tomorrow, especially one so far off, until one was sure that the Force was gifting it.

She smiled widely. There was little time for teaching these days as well but it had to still be a priority. Otherwise, the Jedi were only soldiers. Efret found that unacceptable. "If you have time to spare, I can teach you a little about the artifact of your choosing when we're back on Coruscant."

"Master Farr!"

Nirrah, perched on Efret's shoulder, looked up at the call, recognizing the name as her keeper's.

Efret's attention followed, pulled from the inscription at the enclave's courtyard entryway, which she had been explaining the origins of to Cora. A redheaded man in a white, wide shouldered Jedi tunic and brown trousers walked towards them down the short pathway that led through a series of waterworks to the museum. He was signing as he spoke.

"Knight von Ascania," he added, bowing him head to her. "I heard you would be coming to assist. We would have wished you a more peaceable welcome to our enclave, but at least the fighting has not reached us in earnest yet."

Efret furrowed her brow. "There has been some trouble then, Knight Braji?"

He nodded, but then gestured towards the building. "Come, let's discuss inside."

Efret took the lead and Knight Braji followed behind Cora. The reception hall inside was narrow, arching around a median wall in a semicircle. On the wall hung a holographic mask of a Nabooian Elder statue scaled down to fit. The master took the path to the right, which soon converged with the left into a much larger room. Many more holographic scans of artifacts filled the floor on pedestals or walls or standing alone. A few originals were scattered among them.

Efret sidestepped and brought the group to some seating, motioning for them to sit before she did too. Once in position, she looked at the researcher expectantly.

"There've been attempted break-ins," he began. "We are unsure as of yet if the responsible parties have any factional affiliation, or preference, but, given the timing, it difficult not to assume the worst." That is, that they were Dark Empire sympathizers.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
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Cora's expression eased into one of restrained delight. Genuine joy at being offered a lesson from a Jedi master in their field of expertise. What could be better?

Her voice was smooth and even, with just a thread of childlike glee.

"I'd quite like that."

"Master Farr!"

The call, though not for her, drew Cora's attention away from the etchings and towards the approaching Knight. His greeting, while appreciated, was a tad concerning. The blonde dipped her head.

"Thank you. This is the first time I've had the honor, and I aim to be of use in any way I can."

Her gaze slid cautiously from Braji to Efret, but she was quick to follow along. As they moved through the circular corridor, Cora admired the geometric patterns of the Nabooian mask that hung on the wall, though she could not name what it was or where it was from.

It was difficult to not have her eyes wander over each projected artifact in the next room, so Cora focused on Braji as he signed. A useful skill, and one she made a mental note to look into.

Her focus returned to the Knight once more, almost jarred by his words.

"Break-ins?" It was fortunate that they hadn't succeeded, but that was still worrying. Cora turned to Efret to gauge her reaction. Was this relatively routine, or something unusual?

Efret Farr Efret Farr
universe entire with-you

Efret appeared just as concerned. Feeling Cora's gaze, she averted her attention from one knight to the other to explain. "Our presence here has always brought the community together. The museum is an integral part of the entire city, though Taris doesn't fly the Galactic Alliance banner. At least, that's the impression I get." Efret looked back over at Knight Braji. "You've been here much more than I have. What's your assessment?"

"The same as yours. These incidents come as a surprise."

Efret pursed her lips, skewing them to one side of her face. "And to me as well," she finally responded, "but I am unsure if it is worthwhile to investigate if we'll be vacating in a few days." She suddenly looked up and scanned the room with the help of Nirrah. "Where's Miona?"

The master looked back at him as he answered. "She's back in the research hall. She's been very interested in stromatolite you took from Tython."

Efret screwed up her face a little. "The Nursery sample?" she asked even though she knew that was his meaning; she had only taken one stromatolite from Tython—years ago, when it was still a Jedi sanctuary. She was about to follow up with a non-rhetorical question before she realized that Cora would likely be in need of some explanation here too. "The Nursery is an estuary along the western coast of the Deep Ocean. It is insignificantly small; almost no one goes there, historically or currently. It contains nothing but stromatolites that grow impressively tall for what they are: a meter or so above the surface of shallow water. I didn't find it but I happened upon it years back for the first time a humanoid has seen it in a long time.

"There was very limited information in the Archives at Kaleth about it. I found more when I dug at the site. A male padawan had died there sometime during the High Republic era. His body wasn't there but there was evidence. When I searched his name, I found medical records of an autopsy. It was overseen by his master who had been looking for him ever since he attacked some of his classmates, apparently in the name of Bogan. She eventually did find him—there, dead—and wanted to know what happened."

Efret licked her bottom lip nervously, glancing to Braji. There was more to the story, which he knew, but Efret didn't want to continue to share it. Of course, she hoped Cora was reasonable, but from experience the lorrdian wasn't sure who she could trust with what all she had uncovered at the Nursery. She decided to cut the story short and return to the question she wanted to ask of the redheaded knight. "Does she think there's more to be learned?" That she wanted answer to.

He gave an apologetic look. "I have tried to dissuade her, Master Farr."

Efret scooted to the edge of her seat and put a hand on one of Braji's knees with a small smile. She could not truly empathize, for she had never had a learner of her own, but she could try to imagine the difficulties it might bring. "We'll speak to her." After signing that, she slid the bag's strap off her shoulder. "Please begin deactivating and storing the less popular projections." With that, she stood and motioned for Cora to follow her.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
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Cora observed the conversation between Master Farr and Knight Braji, content to take in their discussion. Her focus snapped to active attention when Efret Farr Efret Farr expanded on Minoa and the Nursery sample.

She frowned, lightly, at the mention of a Padawan turning on his own. It wasn't because that was unusual - it was because she'd heard the same story many times over. The names, the reasoning, the crimes changed, but it was a disturbingly common theme.

As was the mystery to why he'd turned. Answers could, at times, be dangerous.

She nodded once, sharply, as Efret motioned for her to follow. Cora bowed her head to the Knight in parting.

"It was a pleasure to meet you. I only wish the circumstances had been better."

Behind her polite smile was a hope that she wouldn't have been misinterpreted. Cora could imagine the faces of court nobles, scowling at the notion of there being a problem during their visit, even if it was out of the museum's control.

Falling in step behind the Master, Cora lowered her voice once they exited the room.

"I met a man once. A Sith who'd once been a Jedi - a mistake beyond his control lead him down a darker path."

She frowned, deeper this time, and chose to gloss over the fact that she'd been involved with him as an apprentice. That wasn't relevant, but it still made her nerves flutter for a moment.

"What do you think might've happened? To this Padawan?"
universe entire with-you

Efret motioned Cora up to her side once they were through the threshold into the next room. They continued walking towards the next.

"To make him fall?" She pursed her lips and canted her head to one side in lieu of shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know. I didn't look into it." It hadn't seemed relevant to her at the time she had been actively trying to unravel the mystery, but maybe it had been an oversight. "Your guess is as good as mine. What killed him? The autopsy report was...well, his master's opinions were clear but the actual medical results did not support her conclusion." Cora might be able to feel there was more to this branch of the story that Master Farr was keeping to herself.

Still, she continued, "He very likely died of a combination of dehydration and salt poisoning from consuming the brackish water, probably day after day. He might have though that the Dark side would protect him, or in delusion had forgotten basic wilderness survival skills."

When her discussion drew to a close, to turned her attention to the keypad at the door they had stopped at. She punched in the code then opened the door, ushering Cora to go inside first.

The princess entered into a small research hall. Not too far from the door, a young woman in earthen-toned Jedi tunics was standing in front of a columnar hologram projector pad. A very real rock was situated in the center. Its black color was almost brown. An off-white web of honeycomb minerals cradled the bottom of the lumpy figure, with similar fine nodes stippling the top in the same dark color of the rest of it.

This must be the Nursery sample.

The teenage human turned around as Efret pulled the door shut behind them. "Master Farr!" she exclaimed upon seeing the familiar Jedi.

"Hello, Miona," Efret greeted the padawan by the sign name she had given the young woman. She pointed to the stromatolite. "You had help moving that out of storage, I hope."

Miona nodded as Efret wrapped her in a short but sweet hug.

"I'm sorry to hear it's gotten dangerous around here."

"Oh?" The padawan looked confused for a short moment before realization crossed her face. "O-oh, yes, but they haven't gotten in, yet, so...that's good." She looked to Cora and bowed her head. "Hi."

Efret looked at her as well, expecting Cora to introduce herself.

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Cora inclined her head towards Efret Farr Efret Farr as she listened, paying special attention to the Master's body language. She relayed her thoughts naturally, if carefully. The younger Jedi wouldn't push further. Not everything needed to be said - or interpreted - out loud.

"The Force cannot subvert every law of nature," Cora agreed grimly. It was a harsh reminder, one that she had sometimes lost sight of.

She averted her gaze as Efret's fingers danced along the keypad. The door slid open, and both women slipped into the research hall. Cora's gaze was first drawn to the Jedi near the holopad, then to the rock, then back to the Padawan as she exclaimed in greeting.

As Efret embraced her, a small, genuine smile tilted the Knight's lips. It was always warming to see gestures of affection between two people, and it was clear that Master Farr cared for the girl.

"Corazona von Ascania, Jedi Knight." Hand over heart, she bowed to Minoa in a gesture that was more reminiscent of an aristocrat rather than that of a holy warrior. Some habits were still had to shake. "A pleasure to meet you. Have you been examining this…"

Her attention drifted back to the large, lumpy stone. It didn't look like anything particularly special to her, but Cora knew very little of geology and what one could glean from it.

"…big rock?"
universe entire with-you

Miona nodded. "Yes, but it's more fossil than rock," she excitedly explained. "It's made of very thin layers of sediment created by microorganisms called the Derriphan."

The word darkened the mood of the room for at least one of its occupants. If Cora was to glance over at Efret, she'd see that the master's face was not one of pride that a young person was taking interest in her own research enough to add to it. Rather, it look set in disappointment that she as a lorrdian and a Deaf person couldn't do anything to hide—both naturally expressive identities—but an emotion her station as a Jedi master managed to hold at bay.

Miona paid Efret no attention as she continued. "They're a type of midichlorians native to, as far as we know, only Tython. They act as a sort of immune system for the Light side of the Force, killing off midichlorians that have communed with the Dark."

Then Efret responded, the computerized voice of her translation device cutting in before the padawan could say more. The voice, as always, was calm and even. So, somehow, were her signs. "The master who thought she had observed that was mistaken."

"No. I can prove it."

"No, my dear, you can't. It's not possible." Efret took a step towards the pedestal. "Go help your master with the museum displays." Before Efret had finished, Miona had slipped past her and Cora to exit out the door. With a light sigh, the master watched her go.


As Minoa provided a passionate explanation of the sample, Cora peered closer and squinted, trying to discern which layers were fossil and which were...not fossil. Intricacies of the various scientific disciplines never failed to humble her.


It took a single word to shift her from fascinated to startled. Cora felt her stomach drop. She'd spent some time on Thule in the keep of a Sith Lord, technically as a captive but…

Derriphan had been the name of Lord Nwul's lightsaber. A ghost of a weapon that made no sound when activated, devoid of the typical plasmatic hum.

Cora glanced from the sediment to Efret Farr Efret Farr , gauging her reaction. She wasn't sure if it was comforting or concerning that the Master looked disheartened.

The exchange between Minoa and Efret was brief, and Cora observed quietly, even going so far as to step back to allow them some space. She offered the Padawan a cursory look of sympathy before she left – it was never fun to be removed from a project, but it seemed that she'd been treading down a rocky path. Cora just wasn't sure what that path was.

After Minoa was out of earshot, she turned back to the sample. Her attention lingered on it for a few long moments before drifting to Master Farr.

"Devourer." She said simply, though the word sounded heavy on her tongue.

"She seemed...insistent. Wherever did she hear such a thing?"

Cora spoke gently, her brow creasing in concern.

universe entire with-you

"From me."

Efret immediately looked away and ignored the view of Cora that Nirrah had to telepathically offer. Instead, the master focused on the stromatolite, walking closer to it. "I should have left this bit of history alone," she added before running the back of her hand over the sample in thought. She tried not to regret much in life, but she couldn't help it for this find. Unravelling its mystery hadn't done anyone any good.

With a sigh, she looked back to Cora. The disappointment written over Efret's face had redirected itself from Miona to herself.

"My apologies expand, Corazona." Formalities forsook the master as she batted back a bout of self-pity. "I thought that this story was behind the three of us." She motioned to and beyond the door, implying the group to which she referred was Knight Braji, Miona, and herself. "Miona's...hypothesis was the one put forward in the autopsy I found. Master Lya'Fey believed that her padawan, Rharo Thif, had died of massive cellular hemorrhage caused by cannibalizations of normal midichlorians by the Derriphan strain."

Efret's lips pulled taut. She knew it to be nothing more than a story manufactured generations ago by a well-meaning master that had, fortunately, not gotten much traction then, but the real horror was knowing that she had unwittingly resurrected it. She just hoped that she could lay it back to rest.

"Please rest assured there's no evidence to support that conclusion. The Derriphan are not even midichlorians. They're cyanobacteria.

"Master Lya'Fey spun a very, very colorful tale warning of the dangers of the Dark side. That's all." At first, it seemed like that might be all she had to say of the matter too, before she began signing again. "I'd appreciate if you didn't repeat it. Spreading gross misinformation is not the way to protect our youth."

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"From you?"

Cora's brow furrowed, but she opted not to pass any verbal judgement. Efret Farr Efret Farr was hardly the first Jedi to make a mistake, and Cora herself would've been a hypocrite to criticize her. Instead, she watched the Master's body language and let her mind fall back into the weave of the Force.

Hints of regret drifted on those esoteric strings, and once again, Cora remained quiet as Efret expanded on the story.

A story that had died long ago, rekindled into a dangerous theory. But how had Efret unwittingly brought it back to life?

"I understand."
Her voice was soft, her expression now creased with sympathetic understanding. "There are no shortage of corruptive forces in the galaxy; we don't need to be adding to them. But…"

Cora took a step forward, gaze drawn to the stromalite once more.

"Is there anything about the Derriphan that would make that theory believable? Or is it all truly just a manufactured tale of caution?"

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"I promise you," she repeated. "It's just a tale of caution, one that never seemed to catch on." She hadn't found any historical evidence to suggest that in had but, even if it had, it had been forgotten at least by the time Efret had stumbled onto it. Her attention, too, drifted back to the stromatolite. "But there is evidently something believable about it to Miona..."

"It's only a fossil." Her mechanized voice did not convey it well, but she stated so with the intent to convince herself. She was confident in her science, of course, but could still not shake the sinking feeling that the padawan knew something that she herself didn't. "There's nothing alive inside."

That was true. Some of the Derriphan that had once made this structure their home were preserved among the layers of fixed carbonate and iron. Efret had seen a few specimens under the microscope. What's more, at the time of sampling she hadn't noted any actively forming microbial mats.

So the Derriphan weren't present any longer, but the Darkness surely was. It had just moved onto Tython.

Efret's face had fallen uncomfortably blank as she made her realization. "Oh dear." She reached to her interpretation clip and, twisting it, turned down the volume. "She might want to weaponize this against the Dark Jedi."


Efret seemed convinced that there was nothing more to the story, and not in the way that one would suspiciously push for - she had the bearing of a scientist who'd done her due diligence investigating this matter.

So, Cora chose to believe her.

"There are a lot of folk tales on Ukatis, where I'm from. Mostly involving monsters and lessons in morality - they're largely untrue, of course, but I liked to think that they began out of something believable.

She smiled, faintly, eyes unfocusing on the far end of the room as if they were watching something in the past.

"Oh dear."

Even the modulated tone of Efret's synthetic voice conveyed a grim realization. It was enough for Cora to be drawn back to the present, her attention snapping to the Jedi Master.

"Weaponize it? How?"

Cora's brow creased in concern, following Efret's lead and lowering her speech to a hushed whisper. "Surely it'll take more than a false rumor to destabilize the Dark Jedi."
universe entire with-you

Efret nodded. "You're right, but regardless of if it works or not, no Jedi should wield biological weapons..." She took up the datapad that Miona had left, which she had been using for data anaylsis. "...let alone one so young," Efret continued with one hand before using her own research credentials to unlock the screen. "If it was me, I'd look for DNA...then reconstitute it." Though she hadn't ever thought about doing something like this herself, she did know the possible logistics involved. This, unfortunately, wasn't the master's first theoretical encounter with biologic terroism.

After musing, she navigated the files with a series of taps and swipes.

A large part of her had hoped she was wrong, that in a few moments she would seem very foolish to Cora, that Efret's almost-accusation had been drawn prematurely, but then there it was. Confirmation appeared on the screen in aurebesh as she presses another virtual button:

// DNA segments successfully stitched. Sequence reconstruction complete. \\​

Efret let out the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. She turned the datapad around so Cora could read it. "The Derriphan seem to be able to form spore-like structures as protection from certain environmental circumstance, and spores can be aerosolized..."

Yes, but the cells would have to be cloned first.

Efret repositioned the datapad in front of herself and opened the holomail application, then navigated to the sent folder.

A message had been sent from the correspondence address than all three of the Jedi shared to Tantiss Base on Wayland just one star system over. It had been reestablished some years ago as a private cloning practice.

A loud, mechanized click interrupted Efret's scanning of the document as it resounded through the room. When Nirrah turned her head towards the door, Efret stopped reading to herself and followed the convor's gaze. Through the glass transom, they both saw Knight Braji with his hand outstretched towards the door. Then he turned away and ushered Miona towards the museum's exit.

At the inside side of the door to the research room, the keypad control sizzled dead.

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