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Approved Tech Talon Class Combat Cybernetic

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  • Intent: A new high end combat cybernetic to put on the market
  • Image Source: Commissioned from Lemoonade
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: John Locke
  • Primary Source: Durandal Implant
  • Classification: Arms
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances (Optional): This is suggested for Cybernetics and Bionics which can double as weapons or are made from very durable materials. (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.) Resistance Ratings Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique and restricted to Player Characters only.
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: Very high
    • Lightsabers: High
    • EMP/ION: Low
    • Cryo: Low
    • Electricity: Average
    • Fire: Average
    • Acids: Low
  • Blades For Days: With access to special metal structural techniques from Locke and Key, the blades have been decreased in width while keeping the same size and even improving the durability of the blades in comparison to the original implant. What was done with this advancement? It was used to add room for more blades of course! With the room left by smaller blades, more blades have been placed within the implant to give the user more variability and options. Like the implant it is based off of, a retractable blade is stored on the top part of the user’s forearm. Alongside this, identical blades are able to come out of the underside of the forearm, and the sides as well. The user can only pull out one blade should they choose, or they can bring out all four of them at once to make a claw.
  • Rotating Axis: These blades rotate on an axis ring around the forearm. What this means is that they are able to adjust their position to different angles on the arm, allowing for a multitude of capabilities. Wanna move three of the blades to the top and keep one at the bottom to form a hand of claws? Go ahead. Want two blades on top and two on the bottom to create a pincer? Can do. Hell, you can even extend all the blades outwards and have them meet at the tips, then have the axis start spinning to make a drill. The sky's the limit.
  • Flexible Digits: All four blades are attached to the end of mechanical limbs that function similarly to an elbow with two parts and then a joint in between them, allowing for the claws to pull backwards, reach forward, and overall function much like an arm.
  • Durable: Using Duranium, cortosisweave and armorplast, this cybernetic is hardy as they come and ready for any fight that comes its way. The edge will remain even when using the blades to climb a surface
  • All Natural: With skin layering that goes over the cybernetic itself, the user’s arms will look perfectly natural or transformed, save for lines that mark separation in mechanical panels that separate when the arm extends it’s cybernetics.
  • Razor Sharp: Not only are the durable blades meant to keep their edge when clashing against hard surfaces and other weapons, the edge they keep is brutal and can cut through most organics like butter.
  • Maintenance Nightmare: With everything there is to calibrate, and the hard tasks these blades are meant for, there’s a lot to keep up with. It is imperative that the user perform upkeep and make sure all the important bolts are nice and tight.
  • Heavy: In terms of weaponry, The Talon is pretty lightweight, but for something that’s constantly a part of someone and serves as an extension of their body? The extra weight can take some getting used to. Because though it may be a light weapon, it's still heavier than a real biological forearm
Following her first patent deal with Locke and Key, Sutaz was given access to their resources in order to produce another design. Since she took a successful shot at the common worker market with the Hacker Class Hand Prosthetic, she figured she should dream big and aim for the high end combat prosthetic market. Thus, she set her eyes on the durandal implant and went about improving the idea of it from the ground up to maximize deadliness and versatility. The Talon is her most complicated project yet, but her effort shows.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

Quite unusual and interesting!
  • You forgot to add the Image Source.
  • And forgot to add the permission, please fix it.
  • And I found a contradiction, you wrote the weight is Light, but in the weaknessess, this is heavy. Please explain and fix this.
Well-Known Member
MANIAC MANIAC i explained the contradiction in the weakness. When you're holding a light sword, it's pretty lightweight. But it's still a piece of metal that's heavier than your arm. This is the same idea. It's a lightweight weapon, but it's still heavier than a real biological arm, and will take some getting used to. I'll add the stuff I forgot soon.
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