Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Take over

ooc: I have a bounty on me, and as promised I will be open for it. :)
[member="Jorus Merrill"]


Darth Banshee and an acolyte by the name of [member="Drogh"], he was to accompany her and help her take over the mine. They where traveling on a freighter, with a small fleet of warships just one jump away. As they approached the planet, she was dressed in her light armour, and had her lightsabre and her amulet with her. She was hoping to pull this off with just the death of one man, the acolyte would have that honour. That was going to be the murder of the current owner, his demise was necessary so no one would appeal the sale of the mine.

As the freighter began it's descent to the planet surface, she turned to the acolyte and went over the plan. Her voice was calm and collective, as she spoke to him. The owner of mine, thinks we are here to buy the crystals from him. So he going to give us a tour of mine, then we going to office and then we going to use a mind trick on him, so he signs the mine over to us for less than it's worth. Then you're going to kill him, by engineering an accident. That he slips and breaks his neck in front of everyone, when we are out sight. This way the sale can not be contested, and I will own the mine. You will get some crystals for doing your job right, now any questions?

She waited for him to ask, as to ask shows knowledge and that was the route to power.


Drogh, the shadowly figure clad head to toe in his heavy black cloak, his pale eyes staring at her from behind his crude mental mask had little to say, but a few quiet hollow words. "No, I have none." The task given at hand was not easy, but it had to be done. In the name of profit, what all warlords and leaders fight for, no glory or honnor, just profit. It's a shame most forces could not be so honnest, if we were all more honnest with why we go to war 'profit' we might all be a bit less bitter about wars.

Drogh knew exactly what to do, his breathing was easy his mind calm, yet fear ringed in his mind like a bell that never ended, the constat 'ding' in his mind reminding him of whom he truely was, a coward. Yet he did well to hide it, atleast as well as he could manage. He was certain this would be fine, worst that could happen is a small scale war, which Drogh would be long gone, or long dead by then. Yet if he played his cards right that woundn't happen.

As they spoke the ship descend onto landing platform, as it did they made the way to cargo bay. So they could disembark from the ship, as it landed. AS it touched down, the bay doors opened with a hiss. As the pressurized air from the ship escaped, into the atmosphere. She walked off with the acolyte behind her, and was greeted by the mine owner. He gave her slight bow, and then held out his hand to shake hers. She extend hers, and shook his and then she spoke.

This is Acolyte Drogh, he will be accompany me on the tour of your mine, and during the negotiations.
He may ask questions, please do your best to answer them, as if it was me asking.

He smiled and nodded, but in his head she could read his mind like open book.
Damn there two of them now, this could be bad.
He offered the acolyte his hand to shake as well, and said
I am Rondan Meyers, owner of the mine.
Now do you have question or shall take you on the tour of this under water mine?
He waited for either of them to ask, if not he show them on tour speeder.


Drogh was suspicouse of the businessman, even if he had no real reason to be. As he would be the one whom would betray him, or atleast it was hoped it would end this way. Drogh had perhaps quite a strange apprence, he was wearing heavy robes and a metal mask with blood tears down their eyes. Not the most appeasing look but it would have to do. Looking far out, he could hear the waves of the ocean world, the pure beauty of the blueness. Yet some thing, pleasing happened. He could smell the chemcial fumes, the smell of a factory. It was faint but it felt like the only thing that he could enjoy about this place.

Extending out his hand, he shook it. Drogh said, doing his best to sound some what formal and poliet. "I will go for the tour yes?" He looked towards the Sith Lord, hoping for an awsner.

Darth Banshee looked on at the owner, and said Well I guess you should take us on a tour of your factory, and your mining facility.
He nodded and began the tour, Well we shall begin then shall we.
He then lead them down into the underwater work houses, and started to give a tour talk on the way.
As you can see this is where we clean the crystal, using desalin water so not to introduce any contamination.
The room was full droids, jetting the crystals with water to clean of any contaminates, that they may come across.
Then he lead them to a room, where people where using lot's of sharp objects and the room was slippery.
This is where remove the crystal from the rocks, as you can see it quite slippery in there, so we don't go in very often.
Darth Banshee gave the the acolyte a quick nod, as she saw a conveyor belt, if he slipped on that, he would not last 5 seconds.
​Now as we go down, we go below the water line, these are all the individual shafts, where we mine the crystals.
Now that is the end of the tour, and my office is over there, if you like to follow me.
He lead them into his durasteel office, and then showed them a seat.
The room was quite humid, due to all the water being pumped out, and the heaters being on.
She took her seat and waited, on the acolyte to take his.
The room was filled with the noise of heavy breathing the smell of sweat, fear and worry the loudest noise is the hum of the engines running. It was dark but yet lightly lit only asseintial systems were running on the ship anything non essential was rather switched off or lowered to a minimum the less the better. The D-5 mantis patrol craft was flying as close to the surface as possible to hide from the sensors of other ships nearby. The systems essentials were set to give out the least amount of a energy signature to help hide the ship from any opposition.

Standing shoulder to shoulder about 20 hired guns standing at the ready within the cargo hold. The sound of pressurised air whistles out of the airlock as it cracks open, air rushes through the compartment pushing around hair and clothing like a strong gust. The drop zone is coming up this should give Tiali and the hired gun's a small window to exit the ship onto the platform hopefully without the ship being detected. R9 Tiali's astromech will hopefully keep the ship moving to keep it close as possible without problems.

"Drop zone in 5....4....3....2.....1" the room lights up in red for the signal as the mercenaries get into position.

The ship comes into position above the platform high enough to ensure nobody will be hurt from the deployment "Go go go!!!" The men begin to jump to The platform readying their blasters and weapons, they immediately begin to spread out securing the area. The last of all Tiali he steps off the patrol craft planting both feet onto the platform. With an audible 'thump'

The patrol craft immediately flys off to keep away from the area as planned. Going well so far Tiali thinks to himself, looking around to the hired guns he smiles underneath his helmet. "Keep your eyes open boys!!" Pointing to the entrance "Let's make our way down"

Weapons at the ready the mercenaries begin to move in.

Tiali is wearing his custom made Urban camo suit Mk-I his visor covering his face. A wrist mounted sonic pistol rests on his right forearm. A wrist mounted flamethrower mounted on his left forearm. The tikulini leather covering most of his body with durasteel helmet, shoulder pads and chest guard. His belt had an assortment of grenades and a JT-12 jetpack attached to his back. to the lower parts he wore magno-grip boots, with two LL-30 pistols either side of his thighs. A Tazi VibroSword Sits across his back in a sheath under his jet back ready to be used for combat.

Ooc (The links on the weapons don't work on the phone but they are in my bio of you need them and I can link them if needed)

[member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Drogh"]


Drogh, felt the entire place to be some what unconfortable, he was begining to perfer the fresh open space of the endless waves then this metal rain forest. Or atleast that is what it felt like to Drogh, warm and all sticky a horrbile mixture, escpially when you are wearing a heay cloak. He sat down, he was considering taking his mask of in the sake of formality, yet he decied it was best if he didn't show his face to the businessman. He had the excuse of being a sith, well he wasn't a sith, he doesn't consider him self one but apprently the Sith Lord considers him a acolyte so he is.

Drogh had nothing or wanted to say any thing, Drogh was wondering what excuses would be to have Drogh along, even then why would this business man even allow two suspciouse 'sith' in his factory, did he accpet out of fear of what would happen if he deined? Drogh wasn't sure and as usual his mind was thinking about things that wasn't really relevent.

Drogh was thinking to him self when he thought he heard a small faint, berely audible thud, yet he dismissed this has nothing more but the droids and machinery. Drogh sat down, staring rather blankly at the Business man waiting for the girl to start talking.
[member="Tiali Orazio"]

[member="Darth Banshee"]
[member="Drogh"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]

She was say on office and she then gave the company owner a contract, and smiled and waved her hand. As she did she used mind control, I think you should sign it, and you will be happy. His eyes glazed over, and signed the paper, as he did she transferred the funds to his account, it was only 80% of what the mine was worth. Though she did make a back story up thanks to a few contacts, that he was in trouble with some hutts, though anyone doing a proper investigation would find out that was a lie. Though it would make him desperate, and then offer looks fairer. Though the debts if not investigated properly, would mean she gets half that money back. They got up as the business was concluded, and she started walking out the place, and looked at former owner of the mine, and asked I don't suppose you can show us the way out? He looked a little puzzled as what have I just done, Yeah I will, of course I think I go on holiday. He then lead the two of them out, then they all heard something strange, was the water coming into the mine. No it was some on a jet pack coming down, this may produce an unforeseen opportunity for her. She did have a bounty on her head, where these people coming to collect it, or just security?
Upon entering the mine the group arrived at the crystal cleaning area, Tiali signalled the hired guns to spread out throughout the room. The sound of the machines and droids working made it hard to hear anything. But Tiali kept his eyes on the entrance to the next area just in case anything/anybody jumped out.

"Okay let's keep going!" He points towards the door, the mercenaries begin to slowly at the ready make their way through the corridor. The light sound of muffled talking between people echoed towards group. Making the place lightly

Tiali pulls out one of his LL-30 pistol from his holster spinning it on his finger to the ready position. Signalling the group to hold they all hold aiming down the hallway ready to strike.

[member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Drogh"]


Drogh was almost certain some thing was wrong, secuirty? No Drogh wasn't a fool, living in some unberable condotions, having to fight for your life, assuming the worse had been a instinct to him at this point. Drogh without a second thought firmly grabbed the business man by the arm, taking out his DL-18 pointing it directly to the businessmans head. Drogh simply hoped whom ever these people were, wanted the businessman alive, if not anyone could say he died in the crossfire. Drogh was next to a Sith Lord after all, a powerful Sith Lord who in their right mind would attack a Sith Lord? Some one who could kill a Sith Lord, Drogh had come to the depression truth that whom ever had the guts to attack the lady that was next to him, most likely wasn't going to find Drogh tht hard to kill.

Despite his current fears Drogh knew that all he had to do was stand strong and hope for the best.
[member="Drogh"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]

She could sense the danger as she moved on up, she readied her force bubble to protect her from what ever it was. She also had the manger walking in front of them, as if they opened fire, she could use him as human shield. She then asked the acolyte through the force, Can you feel it? She wonder if he could feel the danger they where walking into, if he could not he have to prepare himself. Though she hoped he could, she was sure what it was, but she was relishing the idea. As combat was like a drug to her, she loved it every second it winning or losing. The now ex-owner of property, was talking about where he might visit on new holiday, the workers could hear it. They knew he had sold up to her, and where worried about what the future held, as was normal in these matters.
Tiali continued to have the mercs holding position the voice of the "previous owner" yapping away while they approached. Something doesn't feel right his HUD lights up with three signatures, maybe one was a body guard? He questions himself. Looking around to the uneasy merc's he whispers and signals for them to hold, worried that they will screw up.

Looking to one of the mercs Tiali notice's him shaking his weapon, sweat dripping from his noise, blinking more regularly then normal. The targets barely came into his sight his finger began to squeeze the trigger. Tiali quickly tries to get him to stop before he fires prematurely, "bang!" immediately the rest of the mercenaries begin firing carelessly towards the targets.

"Kark! Idiots" Tiali yells sliding behind a fixed working table, this isn't going to go well he thinks to himself. Looking over the table to see the Blaster rounds flying through the room towards the target, not able to get a clear picture of what's happening.

Tightening the grip on his pistol, he readies for the fight ahead.

[member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Drogh"]


Drogh trips over in a surge of panic, firing a loose blaster bolt into the mad and loose crowd of whom ever these people are, however a grunt coming from the buisnessman shows that he was shot by one of the blasters. The burnt flesh had smal amounts of smoke rising into the air, the smell was awful. Drogh soon kicked the corpse of him, taking cover behind the desk, narrowly avoidng any blaster arounds towards his flesh, althouhg a handful managed to go though his cloak, making some holes.

Drogh was inraged, confused and scared all at once. He was angry because he was brought into danger, he knew instantly that they wanted her dead or the businessman dead, yet Drogh would most likely get caught in the crossfire between the two, and Drogh doubted that the kind fellows with the gun would let Drogh be on his merry way. He was confused because he had no idea who they were or why they wanted her dead, yet she was a Sith Lord so I suppose that in of it's self is a enouth reason for people to want you dead. And Drogh was scared simply because he didn't want to die.

@[member='Tiali Orazio'],
@[member='Darth Banshee'],

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