Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Somewhere in the Scar Worlds

Arianna, strangely, suddenly felt guilty for reasons she couldn't explain to see things resolve with a state of none hurt. This was indeed a better outcome.

Arianna was forced to remind herself that old habits died hard. The United thirsted for constant cruelty. That thirst for bloodshed would never leave her, but this was no time to indulge. While the criminal population would eventually have to be brought to order, this was simply too early to commit.

She spotted Skajin var Imret Skajin var Imret , a former apprentice to her Daughter. Their paths had diverged, but she still thought highly of him. An open invitation remained for him to bring his people to Khemost. But the more pressing issue was Draco Miles Draco Miles . dedicated. But in this case a little TOO dedicated.

Arianna quickly caught up to her.

"Apprentice, feel free to interrogate them, but absolutely no killing. We aren't ready yet. More about this world must be understood before we are ready to act. Gather information of course, but don't leave a mark that you don't absolutely have to..." she instructed quickly. "Pardon me, I must attend to other things. But remember what I said."

Arianna would then quickly make her way over to Laertia's former apprentice.

"You have my thanks for your intervention, Skajin. You likely prevented something that would have been very costly. Forgive me, I am Countess Belasko. I am Laertia's adoptive Mother. She's told me much about you, and she always lamented your departure..."

Percival Io Percival Io

Alessandra Io Alessandra Io
Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
Draco smiled as she saw Arianna approach, cherishing what time she spent with the Countess and making sure to remember every word she spoke. It seemed that Arianna knew her so well too, as she spoke about not harming a hair on their head, she tilted her head in confusion as to why… but did not question it. She nodded and was going to ask a question, but couldn’t get it out due to her having to attend other things.

“As you wish, my lady”

The instructions certainly threw a wrench in her plans of killing the leader of the cartel, but work arounds can always be Made. She was glad now that she hadn’t decided to kill any while they slept, so now she had both gained more information and hadn’t broken any rules. For the interrogations though, she’d make sure to milk them of every bit of knowledge they had on Cartel locations, it’s history, and it’s members. The force was strong, and these men most likely weak-minded, easy to manipulate using the force. She’d have no issues getting what she wanted
Where do you want the guns and money, sir?” he asked, his tone only slightly bitter. “Is there already an organized rebel force on this world? Or do you perhaps intend to lead these people in an armed uprising?

Skajin made a facial expression particular to the Kubaz species.

"Herrre," he said, and refocused.

Between one heartbeat and the next, the empty knockout darts vanished from the gangsters and reappeared in his hand. He closed his fist around the darts.

"You have my thanks for your intervention, Skajin. You likely prevented something that would have been very costly. Forgive me, I am Countess Belasko. I am Laertia's adoptive Mother. She's told me much about you, and she always lamented your departure..."

"A pleaszurre, Countesz Belaszzzko. The Drrrael collapsze and rrefugee reszettlement have kept me buzzierr than I'd like. If you szee yourr daughterr, pleasze tell herr I've begun szending rrefugeesz to found a new szettlement on Khemost perr herr invitation. Bimmsz, mosztly — peaceful trraderrsz looking to rrebuild theirr livesz szomewhere szafe."
Location: Fallen Siege Crab Marketplace, Unspecified Scar World - Wild Space
Attire: Magenta and White Kimono
On Person: House Io Citizen Energy Sword
Objective: Give Back
Tags: Percival Io Percival Io Skajin var Imret Skajin var Imret Draco Miles Draco Miles Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko

The tension in the air was as thick as the Impervium plating on a star destroyer.

And yet, the darts punched through it with the swift, precise efficiency of a weapon far more powerful.

Like all Chaplain Nuetralizers, the Neuromesh biocircuitry in her brain and nervous system gave Alessandra a reaction time measured in single-digit nanoseconds. As such, she saw, long before the veteran gangster himself realized it, the dart punch into the soft flesh of his neck. Moving in eerie synchronization with her brother, her head snapped towards the source, a masked Kubaz emerging from the shadows, disappointment evident in his manner and gesticulations.

Nevertheless, Alessandra gave the HRD-equivalent of a sigh of relief, doing so as the leading gangster began to slump to the ground, confusion, then humiliation, evident across his cyclopean features. She felt a similar mixture of emotions as the masked Kubaz, who her databases quickly identified as an informal protégé of her mother, chided them on their failure. Nevertheless, this seemed to be the best possible outcome of the situation, though the possibility remained that Alessandra and her brother might find themselves with a bounty later on.

Silently nodding her thanks to the Kubaz, Alessandra turned to her brother, covered the lower half of her face on her right side, and mouthed him a message in Basic.

[We will talk. Later.]

Then, without another word, Alessandra moved to finish distributing the supplies to those in need.

Location: Fallen Siege Crab Marketplace, Unspecified Scar World - Wild Space
Wearing: His clothes
Weapon: A blaster pistol
Tag: Open

When he closed his eyes and pointed at his Star Chart, he had picked this world by chance, any Spacer worth his salt should shake things up a bit and do things less rigidly. He had been documenting the ScarWorlds for the last month, everything had been new for him. But now, he had a market to explore, and he may even pick up something to take back with him.

He chewed through the lollipop in his mouth as he walked through the busy streets of the market, as his kind was so common, he did not stick out so much, even if he did get a few glances as he was wearing a black wig. He can't grow any himself but why let that stop him from pretending. He's an adult, sure, but he did not have to be a boring adult either. His mother told him that life is a happier simpler place if he remained himself and did not try too hard to be anyone else.

Something caught his eye, it was an unusually shaped jug, it looked like an asteroid or the ones he scribbled on the walls as a kid. He had enough credits to buy it, so he did.

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Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Across the way from where Leonid Zhontu Leonid Zhontu was buying a vase, Jerec strummed a classic Ithorian string instrument. A battered instrument case at his feet contained pocket change from passersby. He cleared his four throats and launched into song, a favourite anti-Jedi hymn.

Today, my freighter's full of spice and I'm blasting off toward Batuu
And by now, there's Jedi on my tail and I don't know what I can do
There's nothing like a rusty ship to get you boys all holier-than-thou

And tonight, your Masters and your Knights are gonna shoot my engines out
Guess I thought you couldn't light me up if you had a reasonable doubt
I don't believe your jurisdiction counts here, but you're blasting me somehow

And all the hyperlanes I took were winding
And your blue sabers in my face are blinding
I think it's time to file complaints about this shit you do, but I don't know how

Please don't slay me
Or confiscate my cargo, baby
Burlap cabal
Let me keep my haul

Location: Fallen Siege Crab Marketplace, Unspecified Scar World - Wild Space
Wearing: His clothes
Weapon: A blaster pistol
Tag: Open

The guy was not a bad singer, Leonid had paused in his rummaging to listen in, but a very unique gold antique caught his eye. The thing looked old and valuable. He might be able to sell it on, restore it and then sell it on. He originally had found and restored The Tin Lizzie, but he decided to keep it as his ship.

As the Antique was added to his growing acquisitions, he moved on to the next thing. But all the while listening to the hymn. He had started following along in his head. Catchy and he'll be singing it later on himself. He had to tell a Jawa that a 4-year-old fish is a hazard to everyone's health. He wasn't getting anywhere, so he shrugged and moved on, giving the skin under his eyes a sympathetic rub, his senses filled with rancid fish.

He wondered if the singing man was good to talk to, but then again, strangers are risky, some are very unfriendly and he had a black eye for days after he talked to the wrong person. Turned out he hated Duros, which hurt Leonid more than the right hook could. But he is never one to not try again.

So he approached. "Hello."


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