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Slice of Life Day: Hindsight's 2020 | Open to GA & Friends

Major Faction


Become One With All Things

- Emmen Tagge


Another year has come and gone. Those within the Core can celebrate safely knowing the threat of the Sith Empire and Bryn'adul have momentarily been quelled. While tumultuous times wracked the Core for decades, the Core Federation and High Republic's merge have brought peace to our home under the banner of the Galactic Alliance. Years of arduous labor stabilized the many worlds battered by the One Sith's occupation, giving them a new chance at prosperity.

They could only do so with the help of many. The New Jedi Order has risen to prominence and illuminated those long entrapped in shadow. The Senate has carefully rebuilt a fractured economy and established a military capable of facing powers longstanding throughout the galaxy.

The Sith Empire has lost swathes of territory to the joint offensive efforts of the Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order. While others only entertained the idea of defeating the Bryn'adul, the Galactic Alliance has stood against the genocidal draelvasier every step of the way.

We've lost much in our struggles, but we must also find the time to take a break from those grim duties and lighten the burden we bear. With Life Day fast approaching, people all over the Alliance are preparing for a much deserved holiday.

Join us at the Jedi Temple for the much anticipated Life Day festival! A feast fit for the Chancellor awaits all within the grand hall of the temple. Music can be heard all throughout the grounds as various bands have been invited from throughout the galaxy. The festivities spill out to neighboring districts as the people of Coruscant take to the streets in honor of their faithful protectors.

The Chancellor is preparing to give a public address to the people of the Alliance. Join her in celebration of those who’ve distinguished themselves throughout recent history.


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